•s i x t e e n•

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"So, you two are back together?"

Ebony queried as she surveyed Yara's work face. Tonight, she was getting back in the swing of things and tying up loose ends on a party she was throwing for Drake. This of course meant that she was paying Ebony very little attention.

Clicking her red bottoms against the marble floor of the planner's office, Ebony repeated the question.

"Yara are you and Jordan back together?"

"Huh?" Yara glanced up quickly before she shook her head "Jordan and I are like we've always been, horny and confused."

"Yara, the boy loves you."

"Yeah, Ebony a lot of men have said that to me. He felt that way when he cheated too so... it's not very promising."

Rolling her eyes, Ebony huffed as she ran her hands over her satin Gucci dark brown dress. Kevin had surprised her with three new outfits, he was trying to get on her good side. Sadly for Jordan, Yara didn't have a good side to give him.

"Yara, I understand but did you tell him that you wanted to be exclusive?"

"No Ebony, I didn't tell him, I showed him. I showed up for him every time, never messed with anyone else and then the second I took time for myself and couldn't be there for him he ended up in another person's vagina. He didn't even have the decency to wear protection. She's pregnant Ebony and so am I. Look, I love Jordan but I'm not in love with how he treats me or what we've done to one another so far so... we're us, confusing, barely holding on but attached irrevocably."

"Attached, I know what that's like for sure... well, I'm rooting for you two. When he makes you happy, he makes you really happy and I've never seen anyone else do that except for maybe Quincy but you never even loved him and you love Jordan."

Quincy , she hadn't heard his name in a while. Yara closed her eyes briefly before glancing at the clock, 3:15 PM, almost time to go.

"Things will work out the way they should Eb."

"Yeah but you have his kid Yara."

"He still has no clue and for now I just have a fetus, who said it's going to get that far?"

Memories of her only abortion flooded back to the surface, she didn't think she could stomach that again. That child had haunted her for years, what would it have been now? Would it have looked like Yara or Lucas? Was it a boy or girl?

"Ya, you know either way he has to know."

In moments like these, Yara wanted to dissolve. With a click of her French tips, she sent off the final email to her assistant regarding the events of tonight and offered only a sigh as a response to Ebony.

"Eb, don't you have an appointment in fifteen minutes?"

"I do, are you trying to get rid of me."

"Honestly yes, I'm not trying to talk about this right now. It's all I've been talking and thinking about for the past week and I'm over it. I'm stuck, okay? I don't know how many ways you expect me to say that."

With that said, Yara got up briskly and grabbed her purse before giving a soft smile to her friend who looked a bit shocked at her brashness.

"I'm going to pick up some things and get a late lunch. I'll see you around Eb."

Nothing else was said. Ebony simply nodded, something seemed to switch for her, and her eyes clouded. She left Yara's office five minutes later and by that time, Yara was cruising towards the Westwood Whole Foods. The drive was what she needed to clear her muddled mind.

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