•t h i r t y s i x•

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"Bottles, medicine, pacifier..." Yara murmured to herself as she went through Jahi's baby bag one more time. The seven-month-old rested comfortably in his carrier, too busy admiring the lights above him.

Today, Jordan would be picking him up for his scheduled two weeks with their son. Yara got Christmas so Jordan got New Years. Seeing as he'd spent very little time with Elijah, Yara had agreed to let him add the week he missed last month to his current week, extending their time together. She wasn't sure she would've agreed to it had his mother not said she'd be with them every day. Yara trusted Annette, however, Jordan was still earning her confidence.

"Ready to spend time with dada?" Yara cooed before she blew a raspberry on Jahi's belly making him chuckle. In a swift motion he was soon in her arms.

Yara loved being a mother more than she thought she would've. She didn't like the idea of Jahi leaving her side but she also didn't want to be the type of woman who deprived him of knowing his father. Jordan was a shitty partner, but she'd never seen him neglect his other children. Deep down, she knew he didn't come around much because she had moved on and he didn't want to see that. It was a stupid reason not to be there for your son and she hated him for allowing it to get this far but that didn't mean she'd stop fighting to give Elijah everything he deserved.

Inhaling his scent, she kissed his warm cheek just as the doorbell rang. Reluctantly, she placed the baby bag on her shoulder and picked up the carrier with her free hand before she opened the door.

"Hey Ms. Annette, Jordan." She greeted them nicely, earning a smile from Annette and a nod from Jordan who was still taking the home in.

"Hey Yara, beautiful home you have here and look at my beautiful grandbaby. Come to grandma."

Jahi held onto Yara a bit tighter for a second before he leaned toward the woman who took him and immediately engulfed him in a hug. Annette then reached for the baby bag which Yara handed over as well.

"Everything you need for him is in there and this suitcase" Yara pulled the dark blue carry on out from beside her and placed it in front of Jordan "His schedule is in here as well as a list of what he likes and doesn't like. He's been having trouble sleeping but the noise machine works and if he gets stuffy there's some medicine in there for that too. Please stick to his feeding and sleep schedule, he's finally getting the hang of it and remember he's getting very mobile so make sure he doesn't roll or crawl into anything."

"Yara he's in good hands." Annette assured as she kissed Jahi's head.

"Yeah and this isn't exactly my first time Yara, Jahi's good."

Nodding slowly, Yara handed over the carrier to Annette before she watched her make her way to the car to strap Jahi in.

"Moved on up out here, I see." Jordan observed before he peeked over Yara's shoulder where he saw a picture of Yara, Quincy, Jahi, Denise and Gregory hanging on the wall. A larger family photo that featured the entire Underwood family plus Quincy was also there next to a smaller one of Yara and her birthmother who was holding Jahi along with two women he didn't know.

"Yeah well, I like to be stable. It's good for both Elijah and I."

"True, but it's not just you and Elijah, is it?" There was something choked in his tone, his words were almost accusatory.

"If you're asking if Quincy also lives here then yes, Jordan he does. That's not new information."

"Wow, so you move in with him just like that? I begged you how many times Yara?"

"You cheated how many times Jordan?"

This was an exhausting cycle and Yara refused to start her day like this so with a wounded Jordan on her doorstep and a rising heart rate, she raised her hands and exhaled.

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