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Her life was changing. There was no getting around it now and with Christmas so close, Yara had a massive overhaul of her normal. The doctor had made it clear that pregnant women in clubs were not only a health risk but also an incredibly bad look, so she had to get things sorted at her office. She would handle behind the scenes and preparation from her workspace or home, but her staff would have to ensure that things ran smoothly once the night went into effect. For super special events her brother Amari had agreed to fly in and take the reins as much as possible as Arizona wasn't very far away. In fact, he seemed relieved when she asked him.

She'd also began to warm to the thought of trying again with Jordan. Placing her feet up in his LA apartment, she took in the view from his living room. Her family was spending Christmas with Aya and Devin and she'd opted out. It wasn't because she didn't love them or felt odd among them but rather that her life was so moveable at the moment. Nothing was set in stone besides the fact that she was having this baby. Thus, she had no excuse to not accept Jordan's offer of joining him and his family in LA. At least if she got uncomfortable, she could run to her home.

"The doctor said we can find out the gender during our next scan." Jordan announced as he walked in and kissed her forehead gently.

"Yeah, I'm not sure I want to know" Yara confided "Besides, we've got to get through this Christmas dinner first. I told you I didn't need to meet your parents during the holidays."

"Yara please, you're about to have their grandkid, this is pretty inevitable" Jordan chuckled "now can you make sure that this stuffing doesn't implode?"

It shouldn't have felt so strange to get up and help him but as Yara tasted the dish, she tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach that Jordan triggered with his deep stare. Since he'd found out he had made sure he was by her side as much as possible and when he couldn't be around, he texted and facetimed non-stop. It was hard to not start to fall again.

"It's good J. I'm sure it'll all be fine."

He snaked his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her face then her shoulder. Taking a second, he inhaled the scent of vanilla and cinnamon that wafted off of her and felt at home. Did she know that he adored her?

"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you."

"All I did was ask my aunt for her recipe and write it down Jordan."

"That's still a lot. It wouldn't exist or be this good if you didn't do any of that."

Turning her in his arms, Jordan traced her face before he kissed her lips. For the first time in a while, she responded with affection as she allowed her hands to interlace with his.

"It means a lot to me that you're here" He confided as he rested his forehead on hers "and you look so beautiful, I can't believe you're still not showing that much but you definitely have the glow."

Yara smiled before she moved away. Did he tell Mylin the same things? A pregnancy was harder to enjoy when you weren't the only expectant mother in a household. She resented what her situation was but the alternative would be so much worse. She did still love Jordan even if she was no longer in love with him. Still, every time he doted on her she thought about Mylin and wondered if he did the same? If their kids would both get his best or only one of them would get him in super dad mode. It was sad because she'd been the other kid, the forgotten one, the mistake.

The opening of the front door saved her from Jordan's concerned eyes. Bear walked in with their parents behind him, Mike Clarkson and Janie Clarkson, their step mother along with their actual mother Annette Davis. As they got closer Yara reminded herself to keep calm.

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