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Basketball, it was his solace. As he dribbled up the court before taking a shot, he felt all the guilt and worry drain from his body. Yara hadn't been as receptive to his calls lately and he wondered if she knew. He couldn't imagine them ending this soon , over something so frivolous.

She didn't know, he was overthinking. Starting back up again he passed to D'Angelo who swiftly let the ball sail past him. Shaking it off they ran back the play.

"Where's your head at man?"

Jordan asked him as D'Angelo barely caught his fifth pass. Even Ingram was now shooting them worried looks.

"It's nothing , I'm just thinking is all."

D'Angelo tried to brush it off but he knew it wouldn't work , the guys knew him too well. They could tell when something was obviously wrong and for a while things had been like this. Even when Zolee was consciously on his mind , subconsciously she was still there, lingering. He should just fuck her , see that it was hype and move on , maybe then he'd get some damned peace.

Jordan knew better, he knew that look. He'd experienced this distraction for the past few weeks and he was still in the thick of it. D'Angelo's eyes were wondering.

"Uh huh , whatever , keep thinking about that girl too hard you gone lose Niki."

Jordan wasn't an idiot ; he'd hit the nail on the head. He knew what D was going through , Yara stayed on his mind too , he was just getting some ass from her, so it was more bearable. However, he knew he was falling for her too. Otherwise the Mylin situation wouldn't have bothered him so much. He missed the days when he could just juggle both of them and feel nothing, but he'd changed. She'd changed him. Those Colorado girls , they were something else.

"I don't even know If I'd care at this point."

The honest words slipped from D'Angelo's mouth and this definitely caught both Jordan and Ingram by surprise , they looked at each other and then placed their balls to the side. They'd stayed behind after practice to work on some shooting but now they saw that they needed this time to talk and shit.

They migrated to the bleachers and Brandon shot a quick text out on his phone before he turned to D'Angelo.

"She said some shit to Kesi the other day , had Kes all on my back too. She thinks you're cheating on her , like always. Kesi tried to tell her no and she told my baby that all athletes cheat. Man, I heard that all night."

D'Angelo just shook his head , Niki was so damn dramatic. Jordan huffed, the girl wasn't exactly lying.

"Man , I'm not doing anything but buying her ass whatever she wants and practicing."

D'Angelo defended but Jordan scoffed at this.

"C'mon we your boys, there's no need to lie to us. Shit Brandon eyes low as fuck and he can still see through your lies."

"Man fuck you Jordan but yeah what he said. What's really up D?"

D'Angelo sighed as he resolved to tell them the truth. What the fuck could happen if he actually admitted it out loud to himself? This girl was driving him mad and he didn't even know her like that.

No one had ever told him no before , he didn't like that shit but he loved it coming from her.

"Man it's this woman , Zolee she got me stuck and I don't even know shawty like that. I just want her."

Jordan gave him a smart look while Brandon observed interested.

"Yara's friend? The photographer, right?"

Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Quincy BrownWhere stories live. Discover now