• f o r t y •

203 9 88

Feb 25

"Shit, Quincy did we have to, now?" Yara whispered sternly as she fixed her dress. Quincy smiled wolfishly at her as he wiped his mouth.

"When you look that good, hell yeah. Besides, Amari and Payton aren't ready yet and you planned everything as perfectly as you always do. I was just giving you a reward for your hard work."

"You're so fucking nasty." Yara rolled her eyes, but Quincy's smile only grew wider.

"You weren't saying that when I had you wide open five minutes ago. C'mon Yara you know you love that shit and I love how you taste."

He kissed the side of her face before he opened the office door to check that no one was around. Once, satisfied, he kissed Yara's lips quickly.

"We'll finish this tonight. I'm going to check on Ms. Elizabeth and Jah."

Before Yara could say anything, Quincy left. She didn't know how he'd distracted her. She'd been in her office looking over deposits and gift registries when he snuck up behind her and bent her over her desk. When his hands had made their way between her thighs, she was lost in him. The thought of her recent orgasm made her bite her lip.

She needed to do something, anything but sit and think about how his mouth although fantastic was not enough for the throbbing desire that was growing at her core.

With a sigh, Yara dragged herself up the stairs to check on the woman of honor today. She rapped on the door twice before she poked her head in and found Payton staring at herself in the mirror. She wore a beautiful satin white wedding dress with gold YSL heels. Her jet black hair was cascading down her back in curls. Her veil was trailing down in lacy waves, she looked gorgeous.

"You look beautiful Pay" Yara complimented sincerely earning a bright smile from her soon-to-be sister.

"Thank you, I shouldn't be this nervous but I am" She confided before she sat down "My mom just went down with the bridesmaids so she and Ms. Denise could walk in but she asked me some serious questions. She loves Amari like her own son but we haven't been together that long, she wonders if I know him. Like, really know him and sometimes I wonder that too. I mean we've only been engaged for two months and I have no idea how you pulled this off so quickly. Thank you for letting us use your home as well, we always wanted something small and intimate."

The tone of her voice as she rambled sent chills down Yara's spine, it was eerily familiar but this had to be different. So, she did the only thing she could do. Occupying the seat next to Payton, Yara took the young woman's hand in hers.

"Of course, Payton, you don't have to thank me for anything, we're family and your dreams were all that mattered to me. Breathe Payton." Yara squeezed her hand and watched as she inhaled and exhaled "You know, if you had asked me this question eight months ago, I would've told you that it's impossible to know everything about someone. Now, though I feel like once you know the core of who a person is, that's what matters most. People can make themselves seem like anything Payton especially during all the good times. You've seen my brother at his lowest and even then, he still put everyone including you before himself. That's who Amari is, he's not perfect but he is loyal, loving, caring and a protector. It kills him to let anyone down or put anyone in harm's way because that's not his intention. He loves people with everything in him which is why not a lot of people get that close, and he doesn't care about faults because everyone has those and to him, they give us character."

Sighing, Yara looked away for a moment before she finished her statement.

"For most of my life, Amari has been my person, my big brother, the pain in my ass, and my best friend. I didn't want to share him with anybody not even Aya his own twin. However, I think you two have always been as close to perfect as couples can get. I don't care how long you date a person; everyday you'll find out something new about them and that's why marriage is such an adventure. Besides, no matter what me or your mother has to say, do you feel like you know Amari, do you want to be with him forever?"

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