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Yara stared at her hands as she entered the monotone LA apartment. This was her life now, resting her white Michael Kors bag to the side , she wandered into the kitchen and got herself a glass of wine. This was always her thing wine every afternoon , it did the body good.

She then sat on her couch as she sipped while simultaneously going through her phone. She saw his messages but she ignored them , celebrities were always the hardest to get rid of but eventually Yara made them understand how she operated.

She didn't do love , especially as she wasn't familiar with it , hadn't seen it growing up. It was as foreign to her as the ornaments flown from all around the world which decorated her faux fireplace.

A message popped on her screen and she smirked as she opened it, her brother , the only man who ever got quick replies from her.

How's the city life going?

He queried and Yara immediately sent him back the honest truth.

Great , more noise but more to do. More options as well ;)

She chuckled to herself because she knew Amari hated discussing his sisters' existence as sexual beings but what could she do about it?

You gone fuck around and be burning like Usher 🙄

Yara lost herself in laughter , she was always protected and she was very selective in who she spread her legs for. Since she'd gotten to LA there'd been two guys , Quincy Brown , step son of P. Diddy and Keith Powers but she knew they would eventually get sick of her. She felt it from both of them, they were used to being people's first choice and she made them side dishes.

Tonight she'd encounter one or both, whichever one it didn't matter to her as long as she took one home and let all her stress loose the second her legs were.


Yara stared in the mirror as she surveyed her reflection , her glowing milk chocolate skin , skinny yet curvy frame and big dark doe eyes which only made her curly black hair look darker. She wore it half up , half down so that it complimented her white bodycon dress which had her back out perfectly.

She looked so much like her mother sometimes it made her angry. She resented her mother deeply. She didn't want to be like her and she would never understand what she did and why she made herself a supporting character in her own daughters life , barely there.

Her mother was part of the reason she treated love the way she did. Love required trust , patience , sacrifice and forgiveness and Yara didn't have any of that for anyone , forgiveness wasn't in her nature.

Her phone vibrated and she picked it up only to hear the startled voice of Tina , another event planner that she'd grown close to. The party they were going to was planned by her.

"Bitch where are you? This party is jumping and the big names aren't even halfway here yet plus Keith's up in here with some other girl."

Yara smiled to herself at this , the emptiness in her heart at the news. It didn't faze her, nothing did really.

"Is he having fun?"

"Yeah Yara it looks like it , you good?"

Yara waved her hand as she grabbed her purse.

"I'm great , do me a favor and send him a bottle for me. See you in a bit."

She hung up before Tina could respond and walked down to her Uber. By the time she got there the party seemed beyond wild.

She easily slid in and walked to where Tina was on the dance floor.

"Look at you, gorgeous! Just slay my existence bitch! Where are my edges? You done snatched them shits."

Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Quincy BrownWhere stories live. Discover now