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She didn't want to move in with him. The sting of rejection proved to weigh heavy on his soul. Any other girl would have jumped at the chance, and he just had to choose the one who wouldn't. Did she forgive him? Did she care? Unless they were having sex, she was barely responsive, cool at most. Couldn't she see that he was trying, that he loved her? Did she really love him?

He'd made one mistake and she shut him out, it was that easy. If she really loved him, it wouldn't have been. Maybe Bear was right, maybe Yara didn't take him seriously at all.

Sighing, Jordan rolled over allowing his arms to splay out against his soft cotton sheets. When he sensed soft skin, he sat up. He was in his bedroom at his old apartment, and next to him in his bed, naked was Maranda.

"What the fuck?"

Immediately, he sprung to action. What had happened last night? Looking down at himself he realized he was naked too. A condom wrapper laid open right at the foot of his bed. Had he slept with Maranda? Did he do it again? Why the fuck could he not remember?

Pacing, he retraced the events of yesterday in his mind.

"Hey J, Callie's got a bit of a cold. I don't want you catching it especially because I'm starting to feel down myself. I knew I promised to bring her by so I'm sorry. We'll come out to you sometime this month."

Ashlee's tone was apologetic as she delivered the sad news. Jordan missed his daughter's bright beautiful face but he understood.

"Alright, I understand Ash. I hope you both feel better."

"Thanks J."

With nothing to do Jordan ventured into his living room where Maranda and Bear were trash talking each other as usual. Sometimes Jordan even thought that they might have had a love connection because they were always at it. On the coffee table there were around 21 shots.

" Shut up Bear, you start." Maranda exclaimed as she stared at the man of the hour. However, Bear took Jordan's entrance as an out.

"Nah, Jordan starts. Come and join us bruh."

"What are you two even doing?"

The basketballer questioned as he took a seat right next to Maranda on the couch prompting her to explain the little set up she'd put together.

"Never have I ever, if you did it you take a shot. If you've never done it your safe. Just a little stupid festive friendly fun."

"It's Monday, this is how you want to kick off the week?"

Both Bear and Maranda stared at Jordan blankly before answering in unison "Of course!" .

He was outnumbered, so with a sigh he started it off.

"Never have I ever streaked in public."

Both Maranda and Bear huffed before taking shots while Jordan stared at them mystified "Do I even want to know?" He queried.

"College." Bear supplied.

"A bad half night stand." Maranda answered making both men look at her "Half as in I left before anything started because my alcohol glasses wore off, he went from Chris brown to flavor flav so I went out the window with my clothes in hand. Anyway never have I ever had threesome."

Both Jordan and Bear took shots and neither offered any explanation before the latter continued the game.

"Never have I ever dated a model."

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