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"So , she's self made?"

Tossing the basketball in his hand from side to side , Jordan gazed at his assistant Leon who was staring at a vanilla folder.

"From all my research , yeah. She came here for college a few years back and hustled. Started her business her senior year and made some good connections. Fastest I've ever seen someone come up in LA to be honest but she's been meeting the right people and doing this for years from Colorado. She also has had a few relationships , most significant seems to be with a Quincy Brown, they have years on and off."

Garnering the attention of D'Angelo who was deep in his phone , the player looked between Jordan and his associate before he laughed.

"You seriously had home boy investigate Yara? All you had to do was ask me about her."

"You two that close?"

For some reason his voice had an edge to it yet, D'Angelo didn't pick up as he sipped his water before shrugging.

"We're close enough , she's done a few parties of mine and we always see each other around. She's great to talk to."

"Hmm , did you two fuck?"

The question elicited a series of laughs from his teammate who ultimately waved him off. The line of questioning was one thing but now , he couldn't possibly be hinting at jealousy.

"Nah , possibly I could've but we never talked like that. She was fucking with one of my boys though so I couldn't cross that line. Anyway, Yara's not what you're used to so maybe you should stop giving Mylin the run around and just commit."

Snorting Jordan watched the drills happening ahead of him before he waved a hand dismissing Leon.

"That's rich coming from you Russell , you still faithful to Niki and the two girls you constantly fuck on the side?"

"That's a cheap shot J but seriously man you're not me. This hoe life isn't in you baby boy."

A shadow cast over the two players and they both looked up to see Brandon Ingram's disapproving face.

"Ya'll are supposed to be practicing and you here talking about your other extracurriculars. I swear sometimes imma be the last laker standing."

"B.I. c'mon now , you'd need to get your weight up first man , Kesi don't feed you no more?"

Jordan commented and D'Angelo rolled his eyes at the situation before he got up and wandered back to the court.

"I'm eating real good , don't worry about me."

The thought alone had the small forward licking his lips earning him a look of disgust from Jordan before he got to continue his thoughts.

"But anyway , I hate to say it, but D'Angelo is right. Mylin's been talking to Kesi and you two have a daughter man."

"Don't get me wrong , I love My . I always will and I love our daughter but I'm not in love with her anymore and I can't change that."

"Then let her go man , this back and forth shit. It's not good for her or Jayden and you know that. Now get your ass on this court."

Jordan knew that Brandon was right , however he couldn't help how he felt. You couldn't force feelings that didn't exist. Once upon a time , Mylin was all he'd ever wanted. They were unstoppable but thwn the fame came , she wasn't the same to him and sometimes he wondered if he'd been the person to switch up or if it was her. Either way , they'd reached a point of no return and whatever road they were going down , it wasn't fueled by love but rather obligation and lust.

Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Quincy BrownWhere stories live. Discover now