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Arms were wrapped around her. Strong caramel arms that she wanted nothing more than to break free from. She wasn't the cuddling or stay over type but somehow Quincy had managed to tire her to the point of her just wanting to crash directly afterward. Sighing she rolled out abruptly, not caring if she woke him up and began to gather his clothes for him. Throwing them on the bed next to him as he finally began to stir, Yara took a minute after to look at her naked body in her full-length mirror.

This was routine, as well she always surveyed herself to make sure there were no bruises, hickeys or other evidence. She handled herself quite well and she wasn't going to compromise that for male egos.

"Good morning to you too" The sarcasm dripped from his voice as he got up, but he should've known what would happen.

People didn't change, she knew this, was born in it and she accepted it. Why couldn't he?

She heard the sounds of his belt buckle knocking against her night stand as he disgruntledly got dressed. For a minute she almost felt a way about how he was treating her but then she also knew that they weren't realistic. She was fire, he was ice and he also practically belonged to someone else.

She knew very well that after suffering so much upsets at the hand of her commitment issues, Quincy had begun to look elsewhere. She didn't feel any way in particular about it, in fact she didn't blame him for saving himself.

However, she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy exercising the power she still and always would have over him every time she texted him and he came to her with little or no resistance.

"Morning sunshine" she greeted back as she finally moved from her reflection and began to retreat into her bathroom with him on her heels.

Still, she ignored him as she started her shower and jumped in before shutting the door on him. Shaking his head as he let out a wry chuckle Quincy lightly banged his head against the glass barrier she'd put between them.

"You know you're fucking horrible sometimes right?"

Yara's response was only a snort as she began to lather her body up.

"I'm tired of this Yara , I'm tired of being your on demand dick. Especially if you act like that's all you want."

She allowed the water to rinse her body clean before she replied to him while he stood there watching her with mixed emotion slapped across his handsome features.

"I don't act , it is what it is Quincy."

The words slapped him in the face as she smoothed her conditioner through her hair and her curls came back to life.

"So I don't mean anything to you , is that what you saying Yara?" She shook her head as the anguish in his voice burned her eyes.

Running the water quickly through her hair , she hopped out wrapping a towel around her naked torso and levelled with him.

"I didn't say that Q."

"Then what are you saying? You either want all or nothing so what is it?"

She felt like she was shrinking under his gaze. How could you tell someone that you liked them but not that much? Never enough to want more than something carnal, quick, nasty with them.

"Nothing." She breathed out the bitter word before she clarified "I'm saying that I don't want a relationship with you Q. I like things the way they are."

She could see his jaw clench as he nodded slowly then stepped away from her before he finally put his shirt back on.

"Then leave me alone Yara , let me find someone else."

Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Quincy BrownWhere stories live. Discover now