•t w e n t y s e v e n •

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Chances of loving you more than you love me grows by day...

The voice of Odeal blasted through the living room as Jordan rocked Jahi in his arms. He'd kept Yara up the entire night before and while he was back in town he wanted to soak up as much time with his son as he could. Besides, he and Yara were in a weirder place than ever. When he'd walked back into the delivery room, he could see in her eyes that she had a question for him. If his family hadn't barged in, maybe she would've asked it. Nonetheless, the questions lingered for the duration of their stay and at the end he and them left. She never got the chance to ask or perhaps she didn't want to.

He wasn't sure if he wanted her to. Maranda had spent some time with her, and he wasn't clear on what was divulged. He had his son and he still had her; in whatever way she'd let him. They hadn't been intimate; she'd kept her distance, and everything had become about Elijah. She still supported him when he reached out for her but the effort he'd seen was waning. Things for the wedding seemed to be more of a passive duty than anything else.

The only thing he remembered was before his flight, she'd looked at him and smirked. He'd expressed worry about the upcoming season, and she'd laughed almost sarcastically before telling him one last thing "Playing is what your good at Jordan, you've always got something up your sleeve."

Jahi made a light noise before surrendering to sleep just as the doorbell rang taking Jordan out of his thoughts and waking Jahi who'd almost found his way to lala land. Holding his son close, he answered and came face to face with a beautiful older woman. She peered at Jahi fondly before she held the red gift bag in her hand to her chest. Her eyes were solemn as she surveyed the father and son. Jordan had no idea who he was looking at.

"Can I help you?" He queried gently and she nodded before she cleared her throat.

"Yes, I um, I just wanted to bring something for my grandson." She offered the bag to him, and Jordan blinked twice. Yara's birth mother was alive and in town? Why had Yara never said anything?

Embarrassment flushed his features as he stepped aside to invite her in, but she hesitated.

"No, no. Yara and I have a very difficult relationship, I'm not sure she'd want to see me, but I couldn't not bring something or see him."

She reached out to Jahi, placing her finger in the palm of his hand. Of course, he wrapped his tiny fingers around it before he looked back at her and tried to understand what he was comprehending.

She beamed at him.

"Such chubby cheeks, he looks exactly like you, but he has some of her too, his nose. That's Michael's nose, Yara's father."

Sadness clouded her eyes and Jahi began to fuss. He was tired and Jordan knew that he needed to put him down sooner than later but for some reason, he couldn't let go of this chance to know something more about his fiancé.

"Yeah? She's never said much about her birth parents. I've always wondered but she's never been open to it."

"She's tough, she's had no other choice." Elizabeth smiled at him sadly before she focused on his face "Are you worthy of her?" She asked him pointedly.

"I made mistakes, but I think so, I'm trying to be everything she and Jahi need."

"Hmm" the lady pondered his response before she focused back on the little baby who was resting on his chest, eyes fluttering sleepily "Jahi?"

"Elijah Taylor Clarkson." Jordan clarified.

"He's beautiful. Thank you for letting me see him, and just a tip. There's a rattle in there, Yara loved it when she was a baby. If he fusses, I guarantee it'll calm him down. It was nice to meet you Jordan."

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