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Staring at him over her breakfast mimosa was the last thing she'd expected. However, her Aunt Denise raised her to be polite so she couldn't exactly slam a door in his face.

Still, the image of Jordan Clarkson on her beige chaise lounge ten steps away from Zolee's door unsettled her.

"Whatever you came here to say I suggest you say it quickly. I don't need my roommate waking up to this scene on her first actual day in LA"

The way he nodded took her by surprise. He looked nonplussed by the assertive tone she'd spoken to him in.

"I want to get to know you and you never gave me an answer about the date."

Blinking twice at him she soon cackled at the nerve he had.

"I gave you an answer, I told you that wouldn't be a good idea; more so for you than me."

"And normally I'd accept that but I have a feeling you're different and I want to figure out why."

"Well I am different but I'm not your experiment so my answer still stands."

Getting up briskly she offered him a small smile " you know where the door is , as I said before if we're not talking parties you and I have nothing to talk about."

It shouldn't have froze him watching her sashay into her room leaving her smell of cherry and bergamot behind but it did. He took a minute or two before he steeled himself and followed her into her room.

"Okay then about my party you've assigned your assistant to...I want you on it and I want you there in person too, I'll pay whatever the extra charges are if this inconveniences you but I have a feeling you won't mind being there."

Rolling her eyes as she clutched her towel to her naked body she turned to him and smirked.

"No extra charge, we aim to give the customer exactly what they ask for. Our pain equals your pleasure on your big day."

"I thought it was our planning equals your pleasure on your big day?"

"Normally it is but you're so special I had to change it for you and you only. Now please , I have to get ready for a long ass day."

It was hard being this close and yet still so far from her. However from the softness of her eyes in the way she peered at him he knew there was some hope he could get to her.

"You got it , I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night."

He beamed , earning a sly smile in return.

"I'm sure you are."

All the prosecco in the world couldn't soothe her mood. After escorting him out Yara plopped herself down on the couch with a mimosa and let out a huff. Mere moments later Zolee walked out looking dazed in an oversized t-shit.

"Good morning sleeping beauty , what are you up to today?"

Brushing Yara's comment off , Zolee poured herself a cup of coffee before she joined her friend in her state of laziness.

"Work stuff, I've got my orientation at the study in two hours so I'll go and get ready soon. What about you?"

"Long day of planning and then I've got a party to supervise for Nick Young. Can't stand him but he pays well."

Sitting up , Yara brushed her hair from her face before her morning flashed before her eyes. She always knew how to pick them , at this point she was wondering who was crueler, the author of her fate or her?

"I hear you , so I'll see you tomorrow morning I guess?"

Zolee's voice lilted at the reality. Colorado would take a while to wash off as she got used to things in the city of angels. People stayed up , partied, hustled; in Colorado things were settled but here they were anything but.

Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Quincy BrownWhere stories live. Discover now