•t h i r t y f o u r•

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"We're home Shug."

Quincy nudged Yara gently as the lights in the jet came on. They'd arrived back home, it was 4 PM. Their four day trip had come to an end way too soon for either of them but they had obligations to get back to and a cute baby boy that would be waiting on them. Besides, Yara didn't know if her body could handle any more alone time with Quincy. The chemistry between them was always so explosive and they couldn't resist each other.

Yara turned over and blinked twice before she groaned.


"Yup and Payton's been blowing your phone up."

He passed her phone over and this motion was what finally got her to move. Yara blinked twice as she took in the three missed calls and the message that was just sent five minutes ago.

Hey Yara, I think I found thee house. They have an opening to show it at 4:45 PM. I'm with Amari and Jahi and we can meet you there if you don't have a problem coming straight from the plane here?

She wanted to get her own place as soon as possible and see her son. This would be a two for one, but she didn't want to agree to it until she'd asked Q if he was also free at that time. They were moving in together, so her home was his home, it was theirs. She didn't know why she wasn't freaking out internally at the prospect. Moving in with Quincy was so serious, it was a step she'd always dodged with Jordan and here she was willingly walking into it now.

"Hey babe, do you have anything going on after this?"

Quincy thought on the question as he gathered their carry-on items before he shook his head.

"Nah, what's up?"

"Payton thinks she found a house and you know since we're going to be moving in together, I figured that you should come along for the showing. It's in 40 minutes."

"40 minutes shug?" Did she realize that Nevada traffic could be a thing? Not as bad as LA of course but most people were getting off their jobs at this hour.

"Yeah I know it's short notice but, Payton is really excited about it. So, what do you say?"

He couldn't say no to Yara and she knew that so with one smart look in her direction, he handed her bag over and he led the way out of the plane to the clearance area. He didn't know how they'd make it in time but surprisingly they did. He was a good driver and Nevada traffic wasn't horrible.

They pulled up to the Las Vegas home and were immediately in awe at the beauty of the building.

"Oh Payton may have outdone herself here." Yara breathed as she leapt out of the car.

"Yeah, and it's a good neighborhood too, not too far from the office either."

The black accented, brown-bricked exterior of the house was the perfect blend of classic and modern. Yara and Quincy headed up the grey stoned path to the black front door, marveling at the well-manicured bright green lawn. As soon as they stepped in, they were greeted by two familiar faces, one of which melted Yara's heart immediately as his face lit up and he reached out for her.

"My baby!" Yara exclaimed before she took Jahi in her arms and kissed all over his face "I missed you so much"

"He's missed you too sis. We were about to run low on milk so you're right back in time. How was Greece?"

"Beautiful, honestly you have to go Amari."

"Yeah, it was nice. I think it was what we both needed." Quincy agreed as he played peek- a boo with Jahi over Yara's shoulder causing the baby boy to laugh.

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