•t w e n t y f o u r •

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April 15th, 2022, the days all seemed to blend into one another. Yara moved around Jordan's Utah home with ease as she sorted out some more wedding arrangements. Ebony's big day  was coming together faster than her own but that was to be expected. Jordan had faced a trauma and she was still battling a part of herself. It was all too easy to focus on other things like her business in Nevada which Quincy was currently doing a hell of a job at spearheading and Jordan's therapy. Her heart had softened toward him during his grief because he needed her, and she cared about him, so she went the extra mile. She'd gone to Utah with him the week after it happened, and she'd remained there. Jahi now had a fully functioning nursery in two places, but she still preferred her LA apartment.

Moving to the kitchen, Yara moved some food Jordan had left out into containers and placed them in the fridge. 4 AM and she was still bustling, she decided to blame it on pregnancy, she'd slept all day, so she was left with a large case of restless energy.

"Ya, come to bed." Jordan's voice called out to her softly as he watched her from upstairs but she waved him off.

"After I clean up the mess you left here. You can't leave food all over the counters Jordan."

"I had a tough practice, I was going to get to it."

"Before or after the ants?" Yara shot back smartly as she moved a dish cloth over the granite counter tops.

"I miss you. I have to enjoy us time before you wake up one day and rush off to LA."

This statement gained him an eyeroll just as her phone went off and her stomach let out a weird feeling in its pit. She stared at the unknown number for a minute before she picked up.


"Hey Yara, this is Vashti. I work with your sister, something awful has happened and she's in the hospital."

Immediately,Yara gripped the counter top.

"What happened? Is she okay? What Hospital?"

Her mind was going a mile a minute and luckily Vashti was able to follow and deliver all the details as Yara rushed upstairs and began to throw clothes into her suitcase. Jordan watched with a mix of concern and dejection.

Aya and Devin's home had been broken into by two very notorious men who were looking for their brother. When they didn't find him , they decided that Aya was collateral and shot at her .

"What's going on?" Jordan  queried in the background but Yara was moving faster than she or he could comprehend. When Vashti hung up, she immediately began to look for available tickets. She was lucky enough to find one that left in three hours and she booked it with no hesitation.

"Yara, talk to me."

"My sister was shot at and she's in the hospital Jordan. There was a home invasion and I have to go."

"Yara, you're seven months pregnant, do you really think it's safe to fly right now?"

"Actually, six and a half months and well, what's the alternative Jordan? Phoenix is an 11 hour drive from here roughly but it's a 1 and a half hour flight. That's a no brainer."

He grabbed her hand to stop her flurry of movements and gather his thoughts.

"Maybe we should call our doctor."

"Jordan, I'm fine, healthy as a horse and this isn't up for debate. I have to go."

"I just lost one child Yara, I'm not trying to lose another."

He sounded exasperated as he stared into her eyes, hoping to appeal to her common sense. She was so far along, she couldn't just jump and do things the way she did before she had a child to think about.

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