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"Did you have to get five orgasms last night?"

Yara groaned as she rolled over and stretched her sore limbs. Jordan had proven to be an absolute animal, but she loved every bit of it. Reaching up she traced his tattoo sleeve with her pinky finger.

"I absolutely did, you're only complaining now because you can't walk but last night, it was a different story."

Rolling her eyes at this, Yara didn't reply. Instead, she watched him as he got up and began to get dressed for the day. Opening his bottom draw he slid on Calvin Klein briefs before he put on a wife-beater. He had practice so he was keeping it simple, Adidas sweatpants and an off white hoodie.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

A smile spread across his face as the question left his lips. He walked over to her side of the bed quickly and took her hand in his. Placing a kiss on her forehead, he traced her arm with his fingers before he kissed her lips softly.

"Because I can, and because I may have missed you."

"May have?" Jordan playfully raised an eyebrow earning him an annoyed look.

"I did. How are you feeling about all this?"

Her arms motioned around the room, but he knew what she really meant.

"Utah is alright, I mean it's no LA but I can do something here. I fall into the master plan you know."

"Yeah, you go where the money is pretty much."

"Exactly, but this isn't where the money is for you."

His eyes became downcast as he spoke and the realization hit him.  Since he'd first laid eyes on Yara she was about her money. No one could change the course of her direction but for a second he hoped he had the power to influence a change.

"Yeah, my life is in LA. That was my start over Jordan. Plus, I employ people, if you're going to ask me to come out here and chase you please don't do that."

"I need you here though." Jordan sighed, when Yara had taken her time he'd missed her a hell of a lot more than he would ever admit. He couldn't imagine being that distant from her again.

She couldn't stand it. All of a sudden, the room felt suffocating and she knew that it was the sudden responsibility. Her aunt had told her to grow up along with Ebony, Aya, Kaia, and even Zolee. Now that she was in front of him, staring into dark brown eyes that pleaded with her to stay, she knew she felt more for him than she initially endeavored to. Still, she'd never choose a man over her career. Jordan could leave her any day, just like he'd left Mylin.

"I can go back and forth but I can't promise much more than that J, not right now."

"Yara, I'm in this big ass condo with just myself and Maranda sometimes. I need consistency."

"I get that but Jordan when have I not shown up for you unless it was work-related? I've never asked you for anything and I've done everything you wanted, sleepovers, appearances, even helped you watch your daughters when I told you I don't get involved in any of that. What you mean to me is clear even though I haven't said it, if you want me to say it I will but Jordan I have to choose me and my business on this."

Frustration, Jordan knew she was right but all he felt coursing through his body was frustration. No girl had ever resisted him this long, with Yara there was always some kind of red tape. Mylin had followed him without him even asking. Maranda even moved around her schedule for him but Yara was steadfast. There had to be something else.

"Where were you?" The question was tense as it left his lips and made Yara hesitate.

"Colorado, Jordan I told you that."

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