•s e v e n t e e n•

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She was complicated but she was worth it, or at least that's what Jordan told himself as he looked out the window of his old LA home. He'd left Yara way before he was ready, but he understood that giving her space worked a lot better than crowding her.

She had responded to him so there was hope and he was sure that there was love. They'd be okay, he couldn't imagine it any other way.

"Why you staring out the window like that? You going through something?" Bear's voice interrupted his brother's peace. When Jordan moved, he opted to stay in California to remain close to their parents.

"Nothing, just thinking. I talked to Yara, and I don't know, I think she's it."

His confidence was met with a roll of the eye from Bear who maneuvered his way into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. He'd seen his brother do this before, with Mylin then Chanel then Ashlee and Mylin again. Yara was now his new flavor.

"What?" Jordan queried impatiently.

Bear was brash, he always spoke his mind so when he responded through facial expressions and silence, it left a lot to be desired.

"I'm just saying bro, Yara's got a rep for a reason, and she's never been around when you needed her. I don't get the fascination is all."

"She'd had her own stuff and believe it or not, she's one of the first people I want to talk to anytime something happens. The rumors are just that, she's not some heartless hoe.  She's really selective about who she lets near her and every time I've called her aside from the trade and when I fucked up, she's been there. I love her bro."

"Yeah, okay..." Bear snorted before he went back to his phone "I'm just saying it's not a good look J."

Jordan didn't want to hear this. He and Yara had just gotten back on track and now more negativity was being injected into a situation that was already heavy. The only thing he'd really managed to do was not get kicked out and get some ass. Yara admitted she loved him, but she didn't say that she wanted to be with him. He didn't like being in limbo, he wasn't used to it and if it was anybody else, Bear was correct, he probably would have left but there was something about her.

"Bear you're bugging."

"Really?" Suddenly, his brother leveled with him. Taking a spot on the black sectional opposite Jordan's standing form Bear opened a can of worms "How much do you even know about Yara, her life, her parents, the things she likes or dislikes?"

The answer was too embarrassing to speak aloud. Jordan didn't know much, Yara avoided getting that deep, but he'd practically told her his life story. He'd gotten so lost in letting her in, he barely realized that her emotional walls rarely lowered.  Even if he did realize, would it have made a difference? Yara operated in ways that had always eluded him. Maybe that was the source of his fascination, the fact that she made him feel like he knew everything about her; the spots that made her giggle, the foods she couldn't stand, her favorite designer, but he knew nothing at all. Nothing really important or deep, just superficial.

"Exactly" Bear laughed lowly "Jordan, you always choose pussy over Mylin and you know one day you won't be able to crawl back to her. For once appreciate what's always been there before you can't cut this shit with Yara in a clean way."

Jordan couldn't look at his brother, grabbing his gym bag he headed out. He had a game in two hours and there was no reason to get caught up in this when he knew what his heart wanted and that was Yara.


The stands were packed , fans were wearing their colors proudly and in the haze , she was decked out In all black. Ebony had encouraged her to come out tonight and as she took her courtside seat next to none other than Maranda, she began to have second thoughts regarding the whole thing.

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