•t h i r t y n i n e•

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Some days went by in a blur while others seemed to be at a standstill. Today was the latter. Yara and Quincy had settled into their usual patterns, but she couldn't help but feel that Jordan's words were still lingering. On the eve of Valentine's Day, she shouldn't have been wondering about what could go wrong in her relationship, but she was.

As she looked up from her desk, she met the adorable round face of her son who was obviously now awake. With his two little hands braced around the bars of his crib, he gave her a dazed smile before he began to kick and baby babble.

"Hey handsome. Had a nice nap?" She cooed before she took him into her arms and inhaled his scent. She'd never get tired of the feeling that engulfed her whenever she was with him.

Motherhood could be exhausting but it was always rewarding. Even when Jahi kept her up all night, which he recently did, Yara still couldn't imagine life being any other way.

Settling into her chair, she double checked her door before she began to breastfeed her son. As soon as she'd gotten him adjusted, her phone began to ring. The familiar face on her screen made her smile instantly.

"Yes Ebony Durant, how may I help you?"

"You've finally gotten the hang of this friendship huh? I love that for us." Ebony exclaimed before she chuckled "Seriously though, I'm in town and I want to do lunch because it's been ages."

"That shouldn't be an issue, we definitely are overdue for a girl chat. What time were you thinking?"

"Today actually, any time you're good. We can even do dinner. With Valentine's Day being tomorrow, I doubt Kevin is letting me leave Edgewood Tahoe. So, now or never."

"Edgewood? Oh he did It big didn't he?" Yara smirked, she had a few clients that made Edgewood their mainstay and they'd all given great reviews. Maybe one day she'd try it with Quincy.

"Well, you know how we do, but will you be available? I want all the tea on everything."

Yara looked up at the whiteboard where her schedule was posted across the room. The only possible time she could get out was 1:30 PM after a staff meeting.

"I can do something around 1:30 if that's good for you?"

"That's spectacular, let's do Spago. I heard the food is great and the views are to die for."

"Accurate assessments on both ends, I'll have my assistant make a reservation and see if Ivy can take Jahi home ."

"You still taking this baby to work with you?" Ebony chuckled.

"Of course, he's growing so fast. I don't want to miss any moments."

"I get it, but as much as I love me some Kash there are times I just need a break so off to his daddy and grandma he goes."

"I mean being a mother and therapist with your own practice on top of avoiding tabloids is tough. Ain't nobody jumping out a bush to snap my pictures." Yara offered. The women had attached themselves to two different levels of fame.

Quincy was a product of the old school and he kept lowkey for the most part. Kevin was a heavily scrutinized basketball player who'd previously dated a social media darling so he and Ebony faced a lot more fanfare and judgement.

"I wish I could say that. We've had to beef up security lately. People are crazy but it is what it is. I gotta pick out an outfit and take this hair so I'll see you soon Ya."

"See ya soon Eb."

With a click the conversation was over and Yara was right back in her thoughts. Jordan had an insidious way of seeping into everything as soon as she'd forgotten him. He'd asked her to reschedule his visitation again and she was getting tired of being so accommodating. Recently, she'd found she had less patience than before for him and she was sure it was due to his antics.

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