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It shouldn't have been so hard.

Staring at Mylin's silhouette, Jordan watched her put their daughter to sleep. He'd just walked through the door with her but as usual car rides did their trick. It was 7 AM. He didn't need to see the wrinkle forming in her forehead to know that she was perturbed.

Mylin was always so easy for him to read. He knew everything about her. Why couldn't it be just as easy to fall back in love with her?

"You want to tell me where you and my daughter slept last night or you going to keep me in the dark?"

She crossed her arms as she levelled off with him. After a night long marathon of Sex and the City sipping hot chocolate and her sorrows , she was convinced that she was putting way more effort into them than he was.

"We were good Mylin. I'd never put Jayden in harms way and you know that."

"That doesn't answer my question Jordan."

"We were at my apartment."

He could tell from her eyes that he'd struck a chord. The confusion that clouded her features was nothing compared to the hurt that followed. With one statement , he'd done that. What would his next one result in?

"Your apartment? This is your apartment Jordan , OUR APARTMENT."

"Mylin chill , J's sleep and you heard me. Look, we haven't been the same for a while now. Where did you think I was all the nights I wasn't here? Is the truth that much worse?"

In it's own way , he could see that in her eyes it was. She recoiled from him before her shoulders slumped.

"How long have you had it?"

"2 months but Mylin , I kept paying for this one because you and my daughter are here. You guys are good , I'll always make sure of that regardless of whatever is going on between us."

She was angry , hurt , sad , all of the above. He could see it in the way she paced , stopping every now and then to say something to him before she thought better of it.

"So while I've been busting my ass to keep us together, you were launching an escape plan. Are you serious Jordan? After everything?"

"I can't help how I feel Mylin, and it's not us anymore."

The words threw her back , she had to take a seat. She couldn't even bring herself to look at him. She'd stuck by his side through cheating scandals, a whole outside child and now he just let her go. She'd never cheated, never lied and she'd put so much of her own dreams on hold for his yet he wanted to leave her still.

"Jordan , please."

Hot tears streamed down her face as she looked up at the man who'd been her first everything. He was going to add heartbreak to the list. He couldn't return her gaze. Raking his hand over his face , he placed a hand on her shoulder before he leant down and kissed her forehead.

He then walked over to their daughter and kissed her forehead as well. Helpless she looked on as he walked into their bedroom. The last thing she expected to come out after five minutes was him with two suitcases. She couldn't believe this.

"I'll be back for Jay in two days. I'm sorry My , I really am."

Opening the front door , he gave her one last glance as her heart broke.

"THAT'S IT?" She yelled at his back , by now her tears were uncontrollable "THAT'S IT JORDAN!?"

As the door shut she felt her breath catch. Mustering all the strength she had left , she wandered into their bedroom and felt her legs get weaker. Staring ahead , she took in the empty side of the closet that was once his.

Downplay| Jordan Clarkson & Quincy BrownWhere stories live. Discover now