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It was supposed to be a one-time thing.

Somehow it had become an almost every day thing, a four-times a week with sleepovers thing. This morning it was a fuck me as the sun rises thing.

As much as he got under her skin, Yara couldn't deny that Jordan Clarkson gave good dick and after all, did a better cure for stress exist?

Riding him quickly, she felt her legs begin to shake as she ground herself onto him and heard his low groans. He knew he was powerless to her but his pride wouldn't let him just admit it. Increasing her pace, Yara took all of him hitting her g-spot in a delightful way.


She always swore that would never change. However, she rarely called guys' names when she came, especially if she was the one doing all the work. In Jordan's case, his head was big enough, she didn't want to inflate it anymore. For a second, stars clouded her vision as she felt that sweet feeling she craved building. He gave in before her. Squeezing her ass tightly, Jordan powered into her twice as he rode out the high she'd given him. He always bit his lip when he came, she always bit him.



The feel of his hand roughly smacking her ass made her bite her lip.



Placing her head in the curve of his neck as he held her close to his chest, she clamped onto his shoulder. Her nails scratching across his back as she gave in.

Placing his fingers under her chin, he kissed her roughly, sloppy. She hated to admit it but she loved that shit.

It was 5:20 AM, Rolling off of him she found it simple to walk to her bathroom, lock the door and hop into her shower. Did she expect him to be there when she got out? No, but was he? Hell yes.

"You're still here?"

The question perplexed him, mere minutes ago she was just holding onto him for dear life. He should've seen it coming, this was their usual routine but after a while, he thought it would break. Evidently, it hadn't yet.

"I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to stay."

"Bullshit, when have I ever not kicked you out?"

"Last night."

"I was dickhausted, I wasn't thinking."

"So you have to think yourself into kicking me out? Don't tell me you're growing feelings Yara."

Sneering at the playfulness of his tone, Yara dropped her towel and began to put on her underclothes. She could feel him watching as she slipped into a black lacy thong and a matching bra. Bending over, she lotioned her legs knowing full well that his eyes had never left her body.

"I can hear your heavy breathing, why are you still here?"

"Damn Yara, you really want me out?"

His eyebrows furrowed as he stood up and began to put his clothes back on. He felt her energy shift burn through the room. The hickey on his neck that she had no part in placing there was still burning on her mind. She hadn't brought it up last night or this morning but it bothered her. She hated that it did.

"Yes, thanks for getting dressed. I would've hated to throw you out in your underwear."

"You know, one day I won't come back."

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