•t w e n t y s i x•

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June 2022

Nothing could match the feeling of carrying a life inside you. Feeling its growth and witnessing its early independence in each kick. Month by month , that child became more and more special, your child. Rubbing her nine month belly Yara waddled into the nursery of her LA home with her phone in hand. Kaia had just sent her pictures of her newborn daughter Kalila Love Oubre and to say that the baby girl was adorable didn't do her enough justice. The round face of the infant softened Yara further as she took a seat in the rocking chair before she showed Jordan who was playing with Callie.

The four-year-old had become a familiar and constant visitor in the past month

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The four-year-old had become a familiar and constant visitor in the past month. Meanwhile Mylin still refused to bring Jayden around and the only time Jordan got to see his daughter was really when he came to LA and his mother had her. It was ridiculous.

Still, they made the best of it.

"Oh, is that Kaia and Kelly's daughter?" Jordan queried as Callie rummaged through the toy box before pulling out a fairy themed bratz doll. "She is Kelly's right?"

"Yeah, Kalila, isn't she gorgeous? Only a month old and already a star." Yara beamed while Jordan admired the way her features lit up. She may not have realized it but since she'd gotten pregnant, she'd been softer, more pliant and nurturing. He wasn't always the beneficiary of that behavioral change, but he'd noticed it.

"I'm sure Oubre is in all his glory right now. So how are things working out for them , you know with his trade , the drama with them and all?"

"Well, Kaia is co parenting with him and she has help from friends and Theo. Due to the whole other family and break up thing she hasn't moved in with him and she's not filming right now so they're not all together at the moment. However, it's been hard with both of their jobs and his constant trades first to Phoenix, which was before they met but he really liked the culture there, then Golden State where they became a thing and where her aunts and cousins are based, and now Charlotte. She says she tries to visit for Kalila's sake but she has no one there really and she's not relocating for him."

Jordan nodded as he let the words sink in. So, Kaia, who was an actress had managed to move around her life for Kelly, Aya who was a business woman upped and moved to Phoenix not even four months after reconnecting with Devin and Zolee followed D'Angelo as soon as he'd got his act right before she had his children. Why the hell was Yara so adamant on staying in this mid-sized apartment?

"So, you're just the outlier as always huh?"

"What does that mean?" Yara pursed her lips as she surveyed him.

"It means Yara, you're due this month and you're about to pop any minute. I pictured us being in the same place when this happened, but the truth is after Jahi is born, I'll be here for a while but at a certain point I'll have to up and leave you and my soon when basketball calls again. I don't get to come home to you or him, do you not realize you're the only one of your friends that's done this?"

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