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"What about this one Cal?" Jordan grinned at his two-year-old as he held up a bouquet of roses.

In the past week he and Yara had somewhat equalized. He didn't know what had come over her, but she'd been much more receptive to his affections. In honor of that and his last winning game, he'd decided to throw a surprise dinner for her tonight.


Callie replied before she grabbed it and held it close to her chest. Shaking his head at the toddler, Jordan placed her down before he motioned to the florist to make a second one. Callie had obviously decided that the previous bouquet was for her.

"She's adorable , how old is she?"

The older woman queried making Jordan grin.

"She's two."


Callie exclaimed with two fingers up at the same time her father answered the question earning her another heart-warming smile from the florist.

"Well she's adorable isn't she, are you getting these for her mom?"

"No , her mom and I aren't together anymore but these are for my girlfriend."

"Well what a lucky woman she is, she gets you and this little cutie."

Presenting the second bouquet, Jordan thanked the florist before he took Callie's hand and walked her to the car. Placing the flowers in their seat, he took the little girl in his arms next and lifted her into his G-Wagon.

"Daddy , Ice Cream?"

Callie queried.

"Nope , you know how your mom feels about you having dessert before dinner. Ain't no one trying to hear Ashlee today."

He strapped Callie into her booster seat and began to get in the driver's side when a voice called out to him. Turning , he sighed as Mylin walked toward him.

"Hey My." Jordan smiled politely but Mylin turned her head to the side and stared at him.

"Hey J" She looked into his car and took in the flowers before an expression passed her eyes.  Sighing, she nodded before she scoffed.

"You really chose her, didn't you?"

"Yeah, My we didn't have anything anymore."

"Jordan we had years, we had love, we have a daughter. What do you mean we didn't have anything? You threw that all away for what?"

Mylin's eyes were watering, she always got flustered easily and that's why he hated arguing with her. At the end of the day, she'd given him Jayden and he would always love her for that.

"Mylin , I love her okay? Look, I tried, I tried to choose you, I tried to make myself stay in this family but it doesn't feel right."

Mylin scoffed before she shook her head.

"It didn't feel right J? You seemed to feel fine when you were inside me last week. You never came that fast before, are you sure you're satisfied with her?"

"Mylin I am. Now, let me go."

Mylin stood in front of his driver's door and pouted as she made him look at her.

"No, Jordan we have something. I feel it and you do too. That sex meant something baby"

Reaching out to him, she placed her hand on his arm.

"It reminded me of how we started." She pleaded with him as Callie began to fuss in her car seat.

Jordan tried to get around her but she wouldn't budge.

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