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August 2027 (four years later)

"Tina darling did you make sure that there were lactose-free cake pops on that table? My niece Dior is very lactose intolerant and the last thing we need is that issue coming up during this get together

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"Tina darling did you make sure that there were lactose-free cake pops on that table? My niece Dior is very lactose intolerant and the last thing we need is that issue coming up during this get together." Yara explained as she surveyed her handiwork. The Underwood family gathering was set to commence in thirty minutes, and everything had to be perfect. Therefore, she'd had their backyard decorated appropriately, tables for the adults and playthings to distract and entertain the kids along with immaculate food choices.

It was wild to think that four years later so much had changed. Still, a lot had also stayed the same. Yara was still the savvy event planner she always had been, but her maternal instinct had inspired her addition of wedding and family event planning to her roster. These were now her domain. As a result, Amari and Quincy headed most of the celebrity club/party stuff as motherhood kept her home late at night for tuck ins and lullabies. She didn't want to miss any moments in her children's lives, and they were growing so fast.

However, if a client demanded her presence, she made time to be there. The new event avenues opened a whole new stream of revenue, people really splurged on the big days in their lives moreso than they did club gatherings to impress people or let loose.  In the recent months Yara discovered that she truly enjoyed planning weddings and baby showers the most. In 2027 alone, she'd already thrown a baby shower for Kesi Ingram's sister-in-law Rianne Blackwood, Caris & Ashanti Levert, Diggy Simmons and his wife Azrael, Matisse Thybulle and his wife Aminah, and her own baby sister Ivy. She enjoyed every single one especially as Ashanti, Azrael, and Aminah were all sisters and notable for not just their jobs but also the fact that their father Alaric Zaic was a certified black billionaire. Nonetheless, Ivy's baby shower was sentimental for her, a first for Jordan and Ivy who were now catching up to everyone else.

"Tina is she still working you hard? Shug what did I tell you about relaxing today?" Quincy's voice took Yara out of her thoughts as she turned to him with a grin. In his arms, their 6-month-old Xyla (Zy-Luh) Simone Brown was sound asleep against his chest.

"I know but I'm an artist and I'm very serious about my work. Besides, it's been so long since we've all been together. Aside from Amari everyone else is in a different state. Aya hasn't even met baby Moonie over here yet and I haven't seen Ivy and Jordan's daughter since the day she was born. Isla is in Canada of all places."

Nodding, Quincy sighed before he kissed the top of Xyla's head as she began to shift, no doubt rattled by her mother's impassioned speech and the R&B music that was playing in the background, Ari Lennox had a way of waking people up apparently.

"I understand but as always, you've done everything perfect. Amari and Payton are just about done setting out the food with Greg, Denise, Elizabeth, and my pops. Devin said he and Aya should be here in ten minutes. Elizabeth mentioned that Isla and Ivy are having some delays, but they'll be here soon too."

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