•f o r t y o n e •

203 9 121

March 23 2023

"So, I was thinking that you'd be gorgeous in a mermaid style gown plum."

Denise suggested as she looked through the wedding dresses that the stylist and planner had pulled. In true big money fashion, Quincy had insisted nothing but the best for Yara and her bridesmaids, so he'd arranged for her to have a selection of the finest dresses, made by various designers for her to choose from. It was a gift from Misa Hilton herself who felt that Quincy was always a son to her, one Kim would be proud of.

Yara regarded Aunt Denise's comment but for some reason, the ballgowns were catching her eye. She'd never enjoyed the whole princess quality that was synonymous with them but now a few had changed her perspective. She pulled both gowns and Denise surveyed them before giving an approving look.

"Those are stunning, I wouldn't have thought that you'd want a ball gown."

She didn't think so either, but she was according to her physician, 10 weeks pregnant which was basically 2 and a half months. Paris had gotten her and even though she was not showing, she was afraid that by her wedding, her usually flat stomach would be a bit more rounded. She and Quincy had agreed to keep the news to themselves until she'd cleared her first trimester, which took great effort in his part.

"I'd like to try them but there are sleeker dresses I like as well. Do you think they're done taping up the girls?" Yara queried as she looked toward the white door where her closest friends were trying on the bridesmaid dresses, they'd agreed on earlier. Seeing as everyone had so much going on, Yara decided that it would make more sense for her to select the dress she liked after they'd collectively approved a color. The ladies then sent their measurements and money, and the order went through. They were getting fitted, while she was still sorting through her wants and needs.

"They should be soon, luckily your sister isn't pregnant for this one too" Denise chided playfully before she absent-mindedly stroked Yara's hair "What's occupying your thoughts plum?"

"Honestly, I'm just waiting for one of these to feel like home. I'm also hoping that everything is okay at the house, Jordan should be coming for Jahi now and I pray he doesn't start anything with Quincy."

"He's still acting foolish?" Denise queried incredulously; she couldn't imagine that they were still having those issues.

"He's not acting Mrs. Underwood, it's just his character" Ivy's voice startled them as she breezed into the room, followed by her sister. They were both clad in their satin gold bridesmaids' dresses. The color made their skin even more radiant and Yara instantly felt gratified that she'd chosen it.

"Don't worry though, mum texted me and said that things went smoothly. She couldn't get you." Ivy's voice was distance as she finished her statement. Her eyes flitted to Isla who seemed preoccupied with her phone before they were glued to one of the dresses in Yara's hands "That one is gorgeous Yara, I think that may be the one."

"I agree" Zolee came into the room, all smiles as usual. The satin dress was hugging her every curve in the right place. It did the same for Kaia, Aya and Ebony who all followed. As she looked at them all she couldn't help but to feel loved. Kaia stood out of course, as Yara's maid of honor her dress was a bit more refined but still elegant.

Ebony watched Yara's eyes before she gave Zolee and Kaia a look that everyone else seemed to pick up on. Acting quickly Denise took the dresses from Yara and headed toward her dressing room.

"What's up Ya?" Ebony spat out, being the boldest of the three women who sensed an issue "It's the day of your fitting but you seem bothered by something."

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