•t w e n t y o n e•

230 18 36

(NOTE: I changed Jordan's trade from Cleveland to Utah just to be more current.)

January 2022


Denise screeched beside herself at the news that had escaped from Amari when he dropped them off at their home in Colorado. He had come down with them to do business in Denver and before he left, he'd also managed to unload some of his sister's as well. Now, Yara was feeling the wrath as she unpacked her carry on into Jordan's drawer. She'd be spending two weeks with him and at first, she was glad to get away from LA but now she was confronted with them. She would kill Amari if he wasn't covering for her at the office.

"Mom, look I was just getting things sorted. Jordan and I have been so busy, I meant to call you I'm sorry."

"Hmm, so you are still with him? Well, that's good. It's always nice for a child to have two parents in the household. How are you feeling about it sugar?"

"Like I can't believe it. I'm not even sure I'm ready for it but I know that I'm excited for the baby to be here."

Denise smiled at the soft tone that had taken over Yara's voice.

"Yes well, I'm excited to meet the little one as well. Now you've been on top of appointments and everything? You are eating right too? You know now that you have to bring Jordan home, right? I need to meet him as soon as possible."

"Slow down mom" Yara chuckled before shaking her head "I'm doing everything I'm supposed to, and you will meet him as soon as possible. We're just sorting everything out."

Silence reigned on the line for a minute and Yara could swear she heard Denise sniffle. At that second, Jordan walked into the bedroom and engulfed her in a hug before he kissed her forehead.

"Are you alright?" He mouthed and she nodded before pointing at the phone.

"Mom, are you there?"

"Yeah, I just... I can't believe you grew up this fast. My baby is having a baby." Denise sighed before she cleared her throat "How are things with you and Jordan?"

He pretended he didn't hear the question as he walked around the room, but Yara knew he'd heard it based on how one of his eyebrows quirked.

"We're alright, everything is fine."

Denise read her tone, Yara sounded slightly resigned, almost as if she had to say that.

"Really?" She queried and Yara took a seat on the ottoman and swallowed.

"Yeah, everything's perfect."

That validated all of Denise's thoughts, clearing her throat she began to thumb through her calendar.

"Okay, I'll visit you in two weeks alright? I can't shirk work so I can't come any sooner, but I want to see for myself that you are good plus I miss you."

"I miss you too mom. I probably should go now but it was great to hear your voice."

"Of course baby, I love you Yara."

"I love you too."

Yara ended the call and turned to her boyfriend who was motioning for her to lay next to him. She followed his lead and tried to ignore the thoughts of Quincy that were popping up in her head. Jordan pulled her into him and inhaled her scent before they just laid there for a moment.

That morning he'd had to ignore so many of Maranda's calls that he ultimately blocked her. Now, he felt like he was walking in a minefield, any minute whose to say she wouldn't show up ranting and raving at his door to expose him? As he looked down at Yara, his heart hurt. Her brown sugar skin glowed, her big almond shaped eyes were closed as she relaxed in his presence and her lips were in a soft line. He kissed them softly and found solace in her whisper soft reciprocation.

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