[⁰⁰¹] the lucky one

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Chapter updated on 25/04/2023


New to town with a made-up name
In the angel's city, chasing fortune and fame. . .


Hollywood is a place synonymous with fame and fortune, a place of glitz and glamour that is characterized by an exclusivity craved by so many that the desire to succeed in such a competitive and demoralizing industry can be all-consuming. Many are drawn to the esteemed tinsel town, wide-eyed and exhilarated with the prospects of acclaim. But most soon come to realize that there is more than meets the eye once the gilded facade is shattered and disappointing lucidity takes over.

The allure of the silver screen, the possibility of becoming a household name, and the chance to tell stories that would resonate with audiences for generations can make one's ambition burn hot like the Californian sun. But amidst the bright lights and flashing cameras lay something more sinister. Rejection, heartbreak, betrayal – all within the realm of possibility when you're swimming with the sharks.

But there are those select few who rise above it all, able to withstand the pressures and temptations that come with fame. Celebrities: pillars of hope, desire, and envy, a select bunch who have captivated the hearts of those across the world. But that begs the question, are they swimming with the sharks, or have they become one of them? Celebrities are slaves to their own success, constantly chasing the next big hit, the next blockbuster movie, or the next chart-topping album. They are scrutinized at every turn, their every mistake amplified and showcased to the judgment of the world.

The age-old question of 'Is fame even worth it?' lingers in the mind of those in pursuit of the Hollywood mirage. But there was one thing you were certain of:

You'd make sure to find that out for yourself.

Your plans, however, were currently on hold for now.

Cool liquid burned a path down your throat as you downed whatever it was the bartender had served you, the dimly lit bar providing the perfect backdrop for your misery as you waited for your date to show up. That, however, seemed increasingly unlikely as the minutes dragged on seeing as your date, Julie, was an hour late.

Julie was nice, cute even. The two of you first met in your shared cinematography class after being assigned to work together on a project. Since then, the two of you were in the same friend group and occasionally hung out in between classes. It had started with a harmless flirtation, a few compliments here and there, and before you knew it, Julie had asked you out on a date and you found yourself saying "yes." As you sat alone in the bar, you couldn't help but wonder if it had all been a mistake.

You sigh, resting your head in your palm as your phone continued to buzz with notifications – not a single one from her. A pang of hurt shot through your body as you mindlessly scrolled, searching for any sort of miracle that came in the form of an update. You began to feel sorry for yourself but immediately shook those thoughts away as you realized you didn't need to see her until Summer break was over. A thought crossed your mind, a profound and gratifying realization. Maybe she didn't deserve you after all. Maybe you could find someone better. And that, was something worth drinking to.

You flagged the bartender to order another drink before beginning to do the mental math in your head on the amount that would be added to your tab. However, in your increasingly tipsy state, all the numbers seemed to blur, and you forgot what eight times two was.

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