⁰³¹ silk chiffon

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Watch her silk dress dancing in the wind
Watch it brush against her skin. . .



"Oh my god! This one, for sure. It really brings out your eyes, Miks!"

A shy smile curves on Mikasa's lips as she inspects the ornate dress in the mirror. Its navy blue fabric cascades around her in a manner that exudes sheer elegance, perfectly complementing her complexion. It was adorned with intricate lace detailing that emphasized a high sense of class, the dress hugging her figure flawlessly and accentuating her body in all the right places. However, it was hard to miss the flicker of doubt that passed through her eyes, Sasha's excitement being met with skepticism as Mikasa bit her lip.

"You've said that about every dress I've tried on so far," Mikasa mumbles, her voice tinged with uncertainty. She turns slightly, her gaze shifting from her reflection to Sasha was seated in a plush velvet chair in the corner. "Besides, it's too much for the premiere, don't you think?"

Sasha raises an eyebrow, her eyes ablaze with confusion. "Of course not, Mikasa. It's you who's wearing the dress, not the other way around. All the attention will already be on you anyways. And besides, I keep saying that because every dress you've tried on looks amazing on you, honestly!" She insists, her tone laced with unwavering confidence. "But seriously, if this dress doesn't scream 'the one' to you, we can keep looking."

Mikasa's stylist, Mei, observes the scene with a discerning eye. With a soft smile, she steps forward, her voice calm and soothing. "Mikasa, trust me when I say this dress is absolutely stunning on you. It's the perfect balance of sexy yet elegant and blends your features together harmoniously. And besides, Sasha's right. It really does bring out your eyes," she reassures, voice filled with conviction. "But, as Sasha also said, if you don't have your heart set on this one, then I have plenty more options we can look through."

Mikasa shakes her head, her lips slightly downturned as she sighs. "But we've been here for hours; I don't want to take up any more of your guys' time because I can't choose a stupid dress."

"Nonsense!" Sasha's voice immediately protests. "We're not leaving until you find the perfect dress. Besides, It's not like we're being forced to watch your try-on dresses; we're here because we want to."

Sasha's determination fills the room, her voice unwavering as she crosses her arms defiantly. Mei stands by her side, her expression gentle yet resolute. "Mikasa, as one of my favorite clients to work with, I want nothing but the best for you," Mei affirms, her eyes filled with sincerity as she cracks a smile with her ruby-painted lips. "Finding you the perfect dress is part of my job, and I won't be satisfied until you're satisfied."

Mikasa's eyes shimmered with a tinge of weariness at Mei's words. Ultimately, her gaze returns to her reflection, staring back at her from the polished mirror's surface, her fingers reaching out to smooth out the quirks and folds of her dress. There was an intensity in her gaze, eyes hard as she scrutinized the dress' every line and contour.

"What about you, Y/n?" Mikasa's voice breaks through the tension, her eyes searching yours as you lock gazes through the mirror's reflection. It was a question, a plea of reassurance as skepticism shone in her steel pupils. Sensing her lingering doubt, a gentle concern washed over you, prompting you to take action.

With a determined yet gentle expression, you turned toward Sasha and Mei as a soft smile played on your lips. "Hey, Sash, Mei. Do you mind giving us a moment alone?"

Sasha and Mei exchanged glances. Sasha blinked, momentarily stunned, before concern mirrored in her expression. "Yeah, of course. Take all the time you need. We'll just be outside," she said, casting a reassuring smile in Mikasa's direction.

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