⁰⁰⁹ washing machine heart

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A/n: Hi everyone, long time no see! I apologise for the hiatus but my personal life had gotten extremely busy and shitty lol. Hopefully, it's calmed down for a bit but thank you for your patience. I would also like to mention that I've updated chapters 001, 002, interlude: mikasa ackerman, and 006. 001 and 002, the changes are minor enough, but the interlude and 006 I changed in order to align better with the plot of the story. With that being said, I hope you enjoy!


I'm not wearing my usual lipstick
I thought maybe we would kiss tonight. . .


Thursday, 7:12 am - Mikasa's trailer, MAPPA Studios, LA

"Thanks for coming early," Mikasa smiles at you, your head laying on her lap.

"You better be thankful, I'm missing out on my beauty sleep," you pout playfully as you look up at her, causing Mikasa to let out quaint laughter. You were currently in Mikasa's trailer, your body laying on her couch as you used Mikasa's lap as your pillow. The thought of this action alone was enough for faint heat to dust your cheeks.

"Oh, Y/n, whatever would I do without you?" She sighs in an overexaggerated manner, causing amusement to dance on your face.

"That was good, Mika. Have you ever considered becoming an actress?"

Her eyebrows scrunch together, her face portraying faux pensiveness. "Hmm... Maybe one or twice. Why?"

You shake your head at the girl, feeling the corners of your eyes crease as a smile broke out on your face. As you were unwinding for bed the previous night, Mikasa had texted you all of a sudden, asking if you could possibly come to the studio at an earlier time to hang out with her in her trailer. Of course, the sudden request had perplexed you, but who were you to deny her? It wasn't that much of a hassle for you anyways, and it was always good to be early.

"Are you tired though? You really didn't have to come this early for me," Mikasa questions as her face now portrayed a look of guilt.

"It's fine, I really don't mind," you reply.

A smile of relief breaks out on the girl's face. "Feel free to fall asleep if you want, I don't mind. The fact that you're here is enough for me." You felt your face heat up, feeling acutely aware of her movements as she brushed a strand of hair away from your eyes.

"Well if you insist," you tease. "You make a pretty good pillow." A smirk breaks out on your face as you close your eyes and make yourself more comfortable on Mikasa's thighs.

You let out a yelp of surprise as you felt her playfully nudge your forehead. You opened your eyes and watched as Mikasa rolled her own, but it was obvious she paid no mind to your antics. Her mouth opened as if she were about to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of keys unlocking her trailer door. Soon, you found your relaxed figure being abruptly pulled up by Mikasa so that you were no longer laying on her lap. You look at her, confused, but decided not to press any further as you noticed the girl's sudden change in demeanour. Gone was the carefree girl of moments before and in her stead, was someone who seemed quite annoyed, and to be frank, slightly angry. Sensing your attention on her, she flicks her gaze towards yours and offers you a sympathetic look. "Sorry, I'll explain later," she says before standing up to stand in front of her trailer's door, taking on a defensive stance.

"Kiyomi, I thought I asked you to text me before you plan on coming here instead of barging in whenever you feel like it," Mikasa inquired in a serious matter as the intruder had successfully opened the trailer door.

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