[²⁰] as it was

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[A/n]: The creator of Attack on Titan's name in Idol is Hajime Ishiyama because I felt weird using Isayama's real name.. lol. Also Fluff (!!) and um other stuff hehe. ALSO IF YOU READ CHAPTER 18 FROM MARCH 2-MARCH 4 ISH I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED SOME OF IT WHEN I WAS EDITING IT OMG I JUST NOTICED IM SO SORRY


When everything gets in the way
Seems you cannot be replaced. . .


Attack On Titan Season 1 Bloopers
10,002,342 views · 12 June 2015

Attack On Titan


KIETH SHADIS: Why are you eating a potato?

[Sasha remains standing tall, potato still in hand. However, it's obvious she's trying her hardest to hold back her laughter]

SASHA BRAUS: Are you asking why people eat potatoes in general, sir?

[Her serious facade breaks, bursting out in a fit of giggles. Everyone around her joins in.]


SASHA BRAUS: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I won't laugh in the next take!


A heavy melancholy washed over MAPPA Studios. Today was Sasha Braus' last day of filming.

Throughout the whole day, you could sense sadness radiate from everyone on set – even Alice didn't have her characteristic smile plastered on her face or the persistent peppy tone in her voice. Everybody on set loved Sasha and you could see why. It wasn't hard to love her when she was always kind to everyone, no matter how high or low they were in the set hierarchy.

You remember a time when you had forgotten to pack lunch very early on in your internship and Sasha had found you sitting alone in the cafeteria. Obviously, you had no food on you so she asked if you were hungry and insisted on giving you her yet-to-be-eaten bagel. Initially, you refused out of politeness – she is famous for her love of food after all, but she was very persistent on giving it to you, eventually shoving the delicacy into your hand without warning and running off before you could return it to her.

Sasha acted as if she had nothing but love to give to other people, and you honestly admired that quality of hers.

You could tell the people closest to her aren't taking her departure well; Connie and Jean especially. For the past week leading up to this day, they had all been going out for lunch together, hanging around Sasha a lot, and crying. There was a lot of crying, especially today when everybody knew that each scene filmed was one scene closer to Sasha Braus officially calling it a wrap. Your girlfriend wasn't taking it well; how could she when Sasha and her were practically attached at the hip? She wasn't that bad during the earlier parts of the week. But today, you had been watching her mope all over set, even crying during a couple of her takes with the girl. It wasn't just Mikasa acting like this, but since she was your girlfriend you felt extremely empathetic towards her. It was like watching a sad dog who was separated from its owner. Maybe it was also due to the fact that in two days' time, Kiyomi would be finished with her business in Oklahoma and back in Mikasa's life to dictate her every move. It was a lot, really.

Since it was Sasha's last day, Alice had been more flexible about what jobs you were given. Thankfully, you weren't on coffee duty, but rather, you were with the camera crew for the day which was always fun especially when you were able to watch the actors' film their scenes. Well- it wasn't exactly fun today considering you had to bare witness to all the doom and gloom from Sasha's closest friends, and right now was probably the closest you'd ever get to crying.

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