⁰⁰⁷ mariposa

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I can't wait for you to come my way
I've been far away but I'll keep running. . .


"Fresh air!" Elliot exclaims from your side as you and the other interns escape the studio building.

"Don't get used to it," Anna scoffs from your other side. "Apparently next week is when a lot of the filming starts."

"So?" Elliot questions.

"It means they're gonna make us work our asses off and make us work overtime." Responds Anna in conjunction with rolling her eyes.

"Always the optimist," you drawl sarcastically. Where Elliot was somewhat naive and overly positive, Anna was a pessimist who was hell-bent on making things much more difficult for everyone. She has a growing reputation amongst the cast and crew for her meticulous conduct, making demands even though she is a mere intern. In fact, she started being even more insufferable after she caught wind of a rumour that the best performing intern would be extended a permanent position with the studio. Of course, this was only a rumour as it was never confirmed by Alice or anyone higher up, but Anna, nonetheless, is still deciding to go above and beyond. While others may call her a 'try hard,' Anna herself would look down and those people and call herself a perfectionist. However, in the end, you respected her work ethic. She was just a girl trying to make it big like the rest of you. But with that being said, it was perfectly reasonable of you to prefer the company of Elliot, who was easier to get along with than her.

"Whatever, take my advice or not, I don't care." Anna scoffs.

The buzz of your phone disengages you from the girl. 3:15 pm, the clock on your phone reads. Pulling your phone out of your back pocket, you read a message from Mikasa. 'Hey, are you ready?' In the background, you can faintly hear Elliot and Anna discussing potential plot points of the show, theorising about what would happen next week that would require heavier filming. A lot of the current filming involved the Marleyans and the warrior kids as the Scouts have yet to make an appearance. The only exception is Eren who had infiltrated Marley with significantly longer hair.

'yeah i'm at the front entrance of the main building' you text back.

'Are you with anyone?' She asks through text.

'just the other two interns'

"Y/n?" You hear Elliot call. You turn your attention away from your phone and find the two interns staring at you.


"Do you need a ride? Anna and I were just about to leave."

You smile at the boy as you shake your head. "No thanks Elliot but thank you for the offer though."

"Alright, have a good weekend!" He chirps as he waves at you with a smile.

"You too," you respond with a wave of your own.

You watch as the two walk off into the car park before turning your attention back to your phone. You notice that Mikasa had texted you in the meantime. 'Sorry, could you please meet me at the backlot parking space?'

'nvm it's ok they left' you text back.

'Oh cool' She responds. 'Be there in two :)'

You find a spot close to the curb and scroll idly on your phone. For the past week, Alice had thankfully refrained from assigning you any more errands, and more work on the crew/production side of things. In fact, unlike Anna, the crew loved you. It's not like it was hard to get along with them, all you had to do was listen to what they said and crack a few jokes here and there.

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