[⁰²⁵] beautiful

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I just had to let you know
Swear to God you're beautiful. . .


As you waited anxiously for Mikasa's arrival, your eyes darted around your small student apartment, taking in every detail. Although you had cleaned thoroughly, you couldn't resist going over the place just once more. You straightened the pillows on your couch, double-checked the bathroom, and ensured plenty of snacks were within reach.

You've been to her apartment several times, but she's never been to yours. You'd have to admit; it was much more modest compared to hers – it wasn't exactly the most glamorous place. But that's not to say your apartment was bad, Ymir had pulled in her weight regarding the finances for the decorations and appliances. Besides, there wasn't much you could do with student accommodation anyway.

As you fidgeted with the cushions on your couch, you heard a gentle knocking sound echo from the front door. Your heart leaped into your throat as you lept from your couch, a million thoughts racing through your mind as you hurriedly made your way. You tried to calm your nerves by taking a deep breath, opening the door to reveal Mikasa standing before you, a small smile gracing her lips.

She was dressed in an oversized grey hoodie that hid her impressive frame, a pair of dark sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, with a plain tote bag slung over her shoulder. You could tell this was her attempt at going incognito, mainly due to the mass amount of attention she had received earlier this day. It was best to draw attention away from herself anyway, especially when she had such a recognizable face.

"Hi," she greets sweetly as she leans in to kiss your cheek. You were able to get a whiff of her perfume, the familiar daisy scent you've come to know and love. The smell brought you back to neon lights and hotel rooms, a wave of nostalgia hitting you as memories from the night you two met were forefronted in your mind.

You swallow hard, trying to keep your composure. "Hi, come in." You step aside, allowing her to enter your humble abode.

As Mikasa steps in, she removes her sunglasses and then her shoes. You can't help but feel self-conscious about your living space the longer she stays inside. No matter how hard you tried, your modest apartment still paled in comparison to her luxurious apartment. But as Mikasa observes her surroundings, she doesn't seem to notice or care, looking around with genuine interest.

"You've redecorated the place," she points out with a curious expression, her eyes scanning the room.

You blinked briefly as you processed her words, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Yeah?"

Mikasa turns back to face you, a small smile on her lips. "It's different from the time Ymir invited me," she recounts, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. "But that was a year ago. I think Ymir said you were in class," she adds.

You nod slowly, trying to recall if Ymir had ever mentioned anything about Mikasa visiting your apartment. "Oh, I see," you say, feeling slightly agitated that you weren't there to see her. Why couldn't Ymir have invited her over when you were free? Oh well, the past is the past. "Seems like we just missed each other then, huh?"

Mikasa lets out a chuckle. "I think the universe really wanted us to meet that night." You nod, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips as you gesture for Mikasa to sit on your couch. As she settles in, you take a moment to study her. Her raven hair is long enough to be pulled back into a half-up, half-down ponytail. Her sharp, dark eyes scan the room, taking in the details of your modest apartment.

You clear your throat, breaking the silence. "So, what brings you here today?" You tried to act casual despite the butterflies in your stomach.

Mikasa turns her gaze back to you, a playful smile gracing her lips. "I wanted to see my girlfriend after such an exhausting day," she says theatrically, dropping her head on your shoulder. "There something wrong with that?"

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