⁰⁰⁵ hello?

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You're just one click away, click away,
From something real or fake, real or fake, real or fake. . .


The rest of your monotonous day went past in a blur as your mind could only zero in on one thing: Mikasa Ackerman. Every thought, word, and action only led back to her. It was so bad to the point that Alice had asked whether you were feeling okay as your face was so red.

While you were complaining about it at first, you grew thankful that the woman had assigned you to be the errand girl for the day as you had virtually no chance of bumping into Mikasa. Lord only knows how distracted you would've been if you were on set watching her film like Anna was, the intern assigned with the film crew for the day. You most definitely would have royally messed up somehow and that was something you did not need on your first day.

You felt a foot nudge you from under the table causing your attention to refocus. You saw Alice look at you expectantly as if she had just asked you a question.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" You apologise sheepishly as you mentally thank Elias for raising your attention. You were currently sitting in the same boardroom you were in during the morning as Alice had insisted on doing a debriefing with the intern group.

"It's alright dear. I was just wondering if you finished everything I assigned you to." Alice chirps with a smile on her face. You were almost officially done with your first day on set as an intern. The work was tedious, on your feet for twelve hours. In all honesty, you had no idea how she found you that many tasks to fill those hours with, but that's showbiz for you. Or rather, the unglamorous side of showbiz.

"Yes, sorry, I have. Is there anything else you want me to do?"

She lets out a small laugh and shakes her head. "No, that's all dear, thank you for your hard work." Alice then clears her throat.

"That's all for today you three, I'll text you guys your schedule for the rest of the week. Have a good night!"

And with that, you rise to your feet, on a mission to make a text.

You fumble with your keys before hastily opening the door to your dorm room, making a beeline straight to the bag where you kept Mikasa's phone number. If only Ymir could see you now, smitten for a girl who's making you act all giddy. Thank god you had the dorm to yourself as Ymir had decided to spend the rest of her summer in her home further away from the city. You, on the other hand, had decided to stay in your dorm over the summer due to your college's close proximity to the studio.

You flop onto your bed as the harsh light from your phone illuminates your vision. You open the messages app and create a new contact, carefully punching in each digit from her handwritten note and re-reading constantly to ensure you had typed the correct numbers. You stare at the blank conversation screen as you pluck your mind with ideas on what to message her.

hey mikasa!- No. Too peppy.

thanks for giving me your number, i'm a huge fan- God no, too desperate. You'd also probably end up scaring her off.


'hi,' You typed, plain and simple, and dared your finger to press send. You flung your phone across your bed as you felt your mind begin to race with second guesses and an analysis of all your interactions together. 'Too simple, she'll think you're a crazy stalker, what if she regrets-'


Your crawl towards your phone and bring it close to your face, scrutinising the screen in the quaint darkness of your dorm room. 'Who's this?' the notification read.

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