⁰²² training wheels

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I carry bandaids on me now,
For when your soft hands hit the jagged ground. . .


"Oh my god!"

You tear your eyes away from Mikasa, instantly being greeted by a woman with a head of chestnut hair tied into a high ponytail. Her auburn eyes lit up with excitement as you met her gaze, a huge grin breaking out on her face. You knew exactly who this woman was; Sasha Braus.

Without hesitation, Sasha rushes over to you, enveloping you in a warm embrace. "Y/n! I'm so happy you made it!" She exclaims, voice buzzing with energy. As you return the gesture, you turn your head to the side and catch Mikasa's eye. She smiles at you in response, holding up her fist to give you a thumbs up in reassurance. "It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Sasha."

You return Sasha's smile as she pulls back from you, her arms still resting on your shoulders. You weren't expecting such a warm welcome, and everything had happened so fast that your mind was still trying to catch up. "It's nice to meet you too, Sasha. Thanks for having me." You managed to keep your voice steady despite all the nerves that you had possessed earlier in the day.

Sasha waves you off with a flick of her hand. "Nonsense, come over any day of the week if you'd like! I'm just so glad Mikasa's finally decided to bring you." Then, you feel Sasha lean in, getting closer to your ear. "She talks about you all the time, you know?" She mentions in a faux whisper, loud enough so that Mikasa was able to hear her friend's teasing remarks.

Mikasa flushes with embarrassment as Sasha's words hang in the air. You whip your head towards her, finding admission of her guilt in the way her face flushed pink and the slight grimace she had on her face. You couldn't help but find the whole ordeal amusing. With a playful grin on your face, you lean in closer to your girlfriend to tease her about what Sasha had just said.

"Aww, Mika. Do you really talk about me that much?" You coo, hearing a snicker emerge from Sasha's mouth in response. Despite your teasing, however, you couldn't help but feel grateful- special, even that Mikasa talks about you to her friends.

She looks you straight in the eye, her eyes twinkling as she smiled at you softly. "Yeah, well... You give me a lot to talk about." Now, it was your turn to grow flustered, heart pounding in your chest. You were expecting Mikasa to tease you back, or at least to act on her embarrassment. Not something so genuine as that to slip out of her lips. Gone were the line of teasing remarks you had ready to go, vanishing in an instant as soon as Mikasa complimented you. It seems that she knows exactly what to say, intentional or not, to flatter you.

Sasha giggles and shakes her head. "You two are so cute!" she comments. It seems that anything the two of you did pleased Sasha at this point, she was honestly like a puppy.

Mikasa chuckles in response, finally closing the distance to give her friend a greeting hug. "Thanks, Sash. We try our best."

As you watch the exchange between Mikasa and Sasha, you couldn't help but notice the second longer Sasha lingered in the embrace, spending time to whisper something into Mikasa's ear. You weren't able to read her lips, but Sasha must have said something good for Mikasa to respond in the way she did. Her eyes lit up as the corners of her eyes creased, her lips rising to meet her eyes. You did manage to read Mikasa's lips, however. "Thanks," they said in response.

"Let's head in!" Sasha exclaims as she pulls away from Mikasa. You nodded your head, turning to look at Mikasa. She grins at you knowingly, stepping closer to wrap an arm around your shoulder as Sasha leads the two of you inside her house.

As Sasha led Mikasa and you inside her house, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the elegant decor and modern furnishings. The interior of the house exuded a sense of luxury with designer fixtures and high-end finishes. The open floorplan was spacious and well-lit, with golden rays of the Californian sun seeping in through large windows that offered insight into Sasha's gorgeous backyard that provided a wide sweeping view of the Beverly Hills neighborhood. It was clear that Sasha had an eye for things, and her home was a reflection of that. And that she had money. Lots and lots of money.

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