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'Cause I'm not sure if I've seen you before
You looked familiar when I saw you. . .


You were currently short-circuiting. In all fairness, you had just come to the revelation that your one-night stand was actually an A-list, world-class actress. While your intoxicated self from two days ago couldn't connect the dots, your sober self was mentally berating her as we speak. Now that you think about it, it was so obvious.

She didn't even bother to cover her iconic scar.

The thick silence seemed to span a millennium with how neither one of you wanted to give in to the other first. You craved to know what she was thinking as her widened eyes and slightly ajar mouth wasn't giving you a lot to decipher. Regardless, you still had a job to do.

Clearing your throat, you seemed to have broken the awkward trance you both were in. "I have your scripts." You mentally applaud yourself for the level of professionalism you were able to maintain.

Her eyebrows slightly raise before breaking out into a gentle smile. "Thank you," she says. Her voice had a softness that rang out like a soft lullaby, one that could lull your worries away. As you pass the pile of papers towards her, you feel her fingers gently graze yours. It was a harmless act, but you could feel your heart rate speed up nonetheless.

Though you were giddy, it never crossed your mind whether or not she had actually recognised you. Disappointment quickly overtook as Mikasa made no attempt to share any sense of familiarity beside her polite formalities. In your heart, you knew the truth: she didn't know who you were. Maybe she forgot, or perhaps she didn't care, either way, you weren't important to her. Could her shock be that she wasn't expecting anyone at this hour? You had come to the conclusion that no matter how you spun it, this girl had no idea who you were, and you couldn't help but feel shame. As you reluctantly turned your back to continue with the monotonous tasks that make up your mundane day, you began to scold yourself for being so naïve. How could you be so foolish to have the faintest bit of hope that someone like her would even dwell on someone of the likes of you? She was a celebrity after all. And to her, you were just some wide-eyed college intern imposing on her space.

But before you could continue, the sound of her voice made you come to a halt.

In an instant, all your worries dissipate as her sweet voice called your name in a way you had never heard before. Through her voice, your name sounded sugary, like it was soaked in honey and was a phrase you wanted to hear her say over, and over again.

Swiftly turning around, you were greeted with the bright smile of Mikasa Ackerman. "Sorry," she says as she scratches her neck. "I wasn't really sure it was really you."

You were beyond elated at this point, elated and relieved. "It's ok," you respond taking a step toward the girl. "Honestly, I thought you forgot about me." You kept walking until you stopped in front of her. The closer you got to the girl, the more clearly you could see the light freckles that dusted her nose.

She responds by shaking her head. "Why? You're not the type of person someone could easily forget." Her comments draw a shy laugh out of your lips as you feel the blood rising to your cheeks. It's ironic, shouldn't you be the one saying that to her?

"It's just that... you have this whole," you trail off as wave your hands, "famous... Thing... Going on."

Mikasa looks at you weirdly, eyebrows drawn together before coming to a sigh. "I'm still the same girl you met in the bar." You observed her momentarily, noting the subtle sadness behind her eyes.

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