⁰²⁸ miss americana and the heartbreak prince

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The whole school is rolling fake dice
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. . .


Blind Item #12

This A-list actress has no control over her career. Her manager has an iron fist over what she does and constantly overworks and exploits her. Poor girl. Despite it all, she's very lovely in person.



Academia, the mortal enemy of many. The countless hours poured into a diploma, the grueling coursework, and the exams that never seemed to end? It was all terrible. But here you are, waking up to a new semester and ready to tackle it all again. Well- Ready was one way to put it.

You groan as you clumsily fumble for the off button on your alarm, the piercing noise echoing in your mind with each passing moment. Usually, you'd have Ymir pestering you from her side of the room to turn the damn thing off, but unfortunately, there was no Ymir this time as she's unofficially moved in with Historia. Ah, young love. You were happy for their engagement, truly. But Ymir's presence would be greatly missed in the mornings.

Finally, after managing to turn it off, a sigh of relief escapes your lips as the room falls back into silence. Taking a deep breath, you let the morning air fill your lungs as you relished your blanket's warmth.

You did not want to get out of bed.

Ever since your internship ended, you tried to romanticize your first day back at school. And it worked, to an extent, with promises in your head to work hard and keep procrastination to a minimum. But right now, the rose-tinted classes were forcefully tugged off your head as your idyllic perspective was shattered. For all you cared, that could all go to shit right now. You just wanted sleep.

But no, you had a plan. And that plan did not involve being late on your first day back to classes. Begrudgingly, you began to rub the remnants of sleep away from your eyes, stretching your limbs as you swing your legs over the edge of your bed.

Dragging yourself to your bathroom, its cool tiling reminded you that it was time to stay alert. You hoped a shower would at least snap you to your senses and help you shake off your grogginess. You allowed the steam to envelop your body. You found the tension from your muscles being alleviated as your mind was coaxed into a state of alert. The disorientation that came with the mornings had finally worn off, and your head was back on straight. This semester was a fresh start, a chance to refine your skills to become a director just like you had always planned. Nothing was going to get in your way.

Dressed in your chosen outfit, you gathered your backpack. You filled it with all the necessary tools for your screenplay class – notebooks, textbooks, pens, and whatever was left of your sanity. You grabbed your phone from its charging cable to flick Mikasa a quick good morning text. It was odd not being at MAPPA to tell her in person. It was strange not waking up to go to the studio in the first place. The thought of the studio and the memories created there sent a pang of melancholy through your chest. The familiar hustle and bustle, the intern solidarity between Anna and Elliot, and the immersion of working on a set filled with industry professionals all left a lasting impression on you. But now, as you embarked on a new semester at school, you had to embrace the change and the opportunities it held.

But before you could even step foot onto campus, you needed coffee.

"So, how was it?"

You sighed as the cup's steam hit your nose, taking time to savor the coffee's aroma before responding. And no, it wasn't the cheap kind of coffee that you were forced to make every day at MAPPA.

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