[⁰¹¹] all the things she said

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Wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me,
nobody else, so we can be free. . .


You rasped your knuckles twice on Mikasa's apartment door and waited patiently for the girl's response. If you were being honest, you were extremely nervous. You were at her apartment for god's sake! The tiny college dorm room you shared with Ymir was nothing compared to her apartment.

The complex itself was modern in design, the exterior composed of geometric silhouettes and shapes, with rows of large glass panes and lush greenery. The lobby alone looked like it cost more than your whole life combined. There was even a concierge who had to verify your identity and give you permission to enter.

You took your phone out of your pocket after you felt it buzz. You see a notification from Instagram splayed out on your home screen, and what you found when you opened your phone made you groan aloud.

It was a repost of Mikasa's Calvin Klein shoot to Elliot's Instagram story, with a heart and thirsty emoji accompanying the repost. "Why?" you wail to no one in particular. You were all for people admiring Mikasa, but deep down, you wanted her all to yourself and you hated it. But this was not jealousy, you continued to say to yourself. You would not let Ymir and her smug-ass win this one.

What calmed you down, however, was the fact that she invited you to her apartment, her personal space. As a celebrity, she couldn't just invite anyone into her abode, so the fact that you were here made you feel special, wanted even.

Take that, Elliot, take that delusional strangers on the internet. You may have been in the same room as her, or have been privileged with an Instagram post of her in nothing but Calvin Klein underwear, but right now, they weren't the ones at her apartment.

Not that it's a competition or anything.

You fiddled with the jewellery on your person as you wondered if something more would happen between the two of you. You recall your Instagram DM's between you and Ymir. Would you ever become her girlfriend? What if the two of you... The thought made you grow hot as your imagination went wild with all the possibilities.

Your train of thought was broken when you heard the unmistakable twist of an opening door handle. Lifting your head, you find yourself face-to-face with Mikasa clad in a white tank top showcasing her perfectly defined arms and pastel lounge pants that clung perfectly to her waist.

"Hi, come in," she greets with a smile. You flash her a smile of your own, muttering a quick "hi," as she steps aside to let you pass. What you step into is an open floor-plan space with simplistic, yet contemporary furnishings. You absolutely adore the large windows that grace her apartment walls, allowing you to get an undisturbed view of a bustling Hollywood below and the kaleidoscope of colours that make up the tangerine sky.

"Your apartment's very pretty," you marvel as you continue observing your surroundings. Your eyes spot a bookshelf with an assortment of books and trinkets. But what captures your eye the most is the assortment of accolades and awards the girl has on display on it. You even remember the moment she won some of them. But of course, you were only watching through your TV screen.

"You think so?" Mikasa asks as you turn back to face her, nodding your head in response.

"I like the windows."

"Everyone likes the windows," Mikasa chuckles. "Take a seat, I'm almost finished. Which reminds me, I should probably go check on the stove before something sets on fire." You let out a laugh as you watched Mikasa jog over to the kitchen, noticing the sigh of relief she let out as soon as she went to check the stove. Safe to assume your dinner would not be burnt tonight. You followed her at a slower pace and took a seat at her kitchen's island counter. Whatever Mikasa was cooking had an enticing aroma that had you practically salivating at the mouth.

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