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Chapter updated on 18/11/2022


So tell me why my Gods look like you
And tell me why it's wrong. . .



Today, 3:52 am

did u text mia?!!??!!?

"I'm driving, Ymir," you chastise as the light finally turns green.

"So why'd you pick up?" Her voice blares through your speakers.

You turn your wheel as you make a right turn, rolling your eyes at the actress. "'Cause I was stuck in traffic," you respond as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. You were currently on the way to your second day of work, already dreading what Alice had in store for you if yesterday was anything to go off.

"Okay..." She says sceptically, extending the 'y' sound. "Did you see my text?"

"The one you sent at three am?"

"That's the one!" Ymir chirps.

"I haven't read it yet." Damn, another red light. You check your map and find you're only ten minutes away which was ideal considering you weren't meant to be at the studio for another twenty minutes.

"Rude," she says through your speakers. You could practically envision Ymir's eye roll through your screen.

"It was three am!" You lament in attempts to defend yourself.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, what I asked was if you had texted Mia yet."

You felt your heart skip a beat at the mention of Mia. You stare ahead as you have come to the realisation that you have yet to tell your friend of your latest discovery. "About that..." You say, trailing off.

"-Aw come, don't tell me you chickened out!" Ymir practically wailed through your speakers.

"No, shut up that's not it!" You squeak indignantly. You wave sheepishly through your mirror as the car behind you honked for you to move.

"Okay, then what is it?"

"Um..." you murmur at a loss for how to break the news.

"Yes?" She responds in anticipation.

"So... Mia," you begin cautiously. "May or may not be... Mikasa?" You finish as your voice raises in pitch.

"Mikasa?" she responds, seeming as if she didn't follow.


"Was that a question?"

"What?" You blurt in confusion. "No!"

"Okay," she responds simply. A break on her side extends for a moment. You drum your fingers on the steering wheel as Ymir seemed to be taking her sweet time to respond. "Mikasa who?" She suddenly speaks.

Your eyes bulge at the dense nature of the girl, your mouth hanging open. No wonder it was Historia who asked her out. "You're fucking with me, aren't you?"

"I'm not!" She cries out, dead serious. "Mikasa who?" Was Ymir seriously this dense? You were so bewildered at the girl that you grabbed a fist full of hair with a free hand.

"Ymir! How many Mikasa's do you know?" You practically screech at the girl through your phone, waving a hand in exasperation.

"Well, I only know one but- Wait. Mikasa?" She pauses as if taking time to recollect her thoughts. "Ackerman?"

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