⁰²³ halcyon age

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I'll be there for you when you're feeling down
Any given day you can find me 'round. . .


As you resurface from the water, you couldn't help but let out a laugh as you watch Mikasa standing at the edge of the pool, her eyes fixated on you. The way the sun hit her just right, highlighting her features, was breathtaking. Her smile was infectious, and you found yourself grinning widely, feeling the warmth of her joy radiating off her.

"Rude!" You shout at her, a faux pout on your lips.

But before you could even react, Mikasa dives into the pool beside you, causing a wave of water to splash onto you. The water ripples outwards as Mikasa emerges from below the surface, droplets of water barely clinging onto her raven strands of hair as her eyes dance with delight.

"Told ya' it's a nice day for a swim," Mikasa teases with a smirk on her lips.

You scoff playfully, shaking your head which caused water droplets to fly off your hair. "The water's cold." It wasn't, you just wanted any reason to complain.

"You'll get used to it," Mikasa says with a chuckle as she swims closer to you, the water trickling around her as she moves. You couldn't help but admire her physique as she swam – her toned arms and shoulders glistening in the sunlight, her strong legs propelling her effortlessly through the water like a swan.

As she reaches you, she takes your hand in hers, her fingers lacing through yours. Her touch is almost electric, but you don't pull away. Instead, you allow her to pull you closer until your bodies are almost touching, faces mere inches apart.

"Hi," she whispers, her breath fanning the expanse of your face.

You feel your heart skip a beat at the proximity, and at the way her hand fits perfectly with yours. "Hi," you whisper back, unable to take your eyes off her.

Mikasa's gaze flickers down to your lips and then back up to meet your eyes. You can feel the tension building between the two of you, the anticipation of a kiss hanging in the air.

Before something, or rather, someone, had to interrupt the moment.

"What the f-" Mikasa hisses as she whips her hand to rub at the back of her head, turning around to scan the area with a look of fury in her eyes. You only saw a glimpse, but god, did it bring shivers down your spine. You would hate to be on the receiving end of that.

"There are kids here, Mikasa!" Comes a rough voice directly behind her. You crane your head to get a better look and see a tired-looking Reiner Braun with a brightly colored water gun shaped like a shark in hand. It was comical really, for someone of his stature to be holding such a childish item, topped off with the red goggles that rested snugly atop his blond hair.

You catch sight of Mikasa's friends who seem to be amused by the whole situation, even earning light-hearted chuckles from a few. You couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at the attention, but couldn't deny the disappointment you felt as the moment between you and Mikasa was interrupted.

Suddenly, a voice breaks through the chatter, youthful and feminine. "I'm a teenager now, Reiner!" she declares, her voice ringing out across the water. You can't help but smile at the exuberance in her tone, remembering the thrill of growing up and becoming more independent, wishing that adults would take you more seriously.

Everyone turns to see a young girl with long brown hair, probably around fifteen years old, standing with her hands on her hips. Next to her is a blond boy around the same age, with the most heartwarming look of confusion on his face.

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