[⁰¹²] slow down

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I'm burning up, yeah, all I see is red
She said, "fuck me like I'm famous." I said, "okay. . ."


"Is that okay with you?" you question as you trap her body underneath yours. Your face was only mere inches away from hers as you memorised each of her features in excruciating detail. Her dilated pupils centred in her steel eyes, the curve of her brows, her plump pink lips. You loved the faint freckles that lined her nose, and the way her cheeks were flushed pink.

"Yes," she responds as she licks her lips. "Please." Her breath smelt of strawberry chapstick, hot on your face.

"Then your wish is my command," you say, pinning her arms down to the couch. You make sure to pay attention to her neck first, placing a trail of sweet kisses along the base of her throat. "Can I leave marks?"

"Yeah, just- Just make sure I can cover them."

Excitement pooled in your stomach as she gave you her permission, quickly continuing your attack on her neck. You lick a stripe just above her collarbone before you gently bite at the protruding bone, a strangled noise escaping Mikasa's throat. You understand her reason for discretion; the tabloids, paparazzi, and rumours that would follow from a scandalous mark on her neck seemed like a headache to deal with. A harmless mark would be enough 'news' to feed the media for days (even though it was a bit dumb, but that's the media for you).

Your lips brush over a particularly sensitive spot, eliciting a soft gasp from the girl under you. You take her response as an indicator to devote your attention there, sucking and prodding as you pleased. Your lips detach and leave the imprint of a kiss-induced bruise. But don't fret, it's nothing a bit of concealer can't fix.

You refocus your attention on her needy breasts, hard and prosperous just for you. You take the left one in your mouth, while you tweak the other with a free hand, feeling Mikasa squirm from underneath you.

"You've got such pretty tits, Mika," you coo. "Do you like it when I touch them?" You return to groping her bosom's plush flesh, relishing in the way her eyes squeezed shut as your deft hands made work.


A devilish smirk forms on your face. "What about..." You trail off, dragging a slow, tantalising hand down her sensitive body. You buzzed in satisfaction as she tensed, abs flexing from the motion. "...When I touch here?"

A moan slips her lips as you tease her clit, utilising your fingers to make purposeful ministrations. "Fu- yes," she responds, voice raising in pitch. Swiping your fingers against the opening of her folds, you find her insides to be soaked as your fingers had become coated in her slick from a singular swipe.

"You're soaked," you smirk as you hold your fingers to her face. But just as quickly as that smirk appeared did it vanish. You felt your lips part in shock as Mikasa took it upon herself to take your slick-ridden digits in her mouth. An involuntary gasp escapes your lips as she begins sucking with her plump lips, tongue swirling around the tips of your fingers as your appendages become coated in saliva. She was so enticing right now as heat pooled in your core, especially when she was staring at you through long lashes and doll-like eyes. "Ha- I didn't know you liked me that much," you joshed.

A trail of saliva connects your fingers and her lips as they exit her mouth. She has a grasp on your wrist when she places a wet kiss on your pulse point. "Who told you that?" She teases back.

"Your cunt," you reply. Plain and simple.

She lets out a laughing breath. "You should ask it again."

You paused as if in contemplation. "Maybe I should." Your head dips straight in between her legs as you kiss up the insides of her thighs, then place a gentle kiss against her clit. You relish in the way her pussy flutters. "Looks like it missed me. Hasn't even been that long since I last touched you."

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