⁰¹⁵ mixed signals

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Mikasa was fine.

It was only two days after her fight with Kiyomi and she seemed to be okay. Nothing out of the ordinary to note with her behaviour. She was delivering her performances with the same amount of passion and aptitude you would expect from someone of her calibre, and everything between the two of you was going swimmingly. Mikasa was fine.

Except... No, actually. Nevermind.

Mikasa seemed to be more on edge recently. It was as if she didn't know how to relax. Her eyes were constantly glancing everywhere within a room. She played with her hair a lot - a habit of hers that you have noticed whenever she felt nervous, and spoke to you with caution as if you were going to disappear the next minute.

You felt lost, you didn't know what to do. You asked her if she was okay once and she brushed you off completely.

"I'm fine, Y/n," she said with a smile. "Don't worry about me, okay?"

You could tell something was bothering her and you had no idea what to do.


Tuesday, 9:53 pm

are you ok? you
seemed off today

i know you didn't like
how that scene turned
out but everyone on
set loved it.. i even
overheard the director
telling their assistant
that they loved it

It's just that it had to be
perfect and I couldn't get
my expressions of how I
wanted them

i care for you mika, but
perfection is impossible

You wouldn't understand

you can talk to me and
i'll try my hardest to

i'm here for you anytime,

You're right, I'm sorry

Thank you Y/n, it means
a lot

don't be too hard on

you're amazing, seriously

Thank you :)

I'll try



Something was definitely up with Mikasa,

she had barely spoken to you for the whole day. Now, of course, she had no obligation to do so, but the whole day? And seemingly without reason too?

You weren't sure if you had even done something to offend her in the first place. Was it because of the texts between the two of you last night? You were telling the truth when you said that there was nothing wrong with her performance. In your mind, you had been as supportive and reassuring to her as possible, making sure to pick your words carefully in order to not make things worse.

Had you just made things worse?

God, you hoped not. The thought of bringing Mikasa any sort of inconvenience made you want to throw up.

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