⁰⁰² c u girl

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Chapter updated on 18/11/2022

This chapter has yet to be updated to match the updates made to chapter one! Apologies if things seem a bit out of order.


But you're in college now and I'm about to go on tour. . .


You awoke with a pounding skull and felt an ache throughout your body. Turning in your bed, you snuggle deeper into the sheets to give yourself a few more moments of rest. However, the more you lie there, the more you noticed how big the bed you were sleeping in was compared to your measly single. You feel around the bed and notice how much softer the sheets are compared to yours. 

Shooting up in your spot, you awaken to an unfamiliar scene. Doing a scan around the room, you could tell that you were in a hotel due to the impersonal nature of the decor. "Shit," you mutter to no one in particular, taking a fist full of hair in your hands.

You begin to piece together the events of last night, how you were ghosted but then ran into Mia, who kept you company instead. Your face grew hot as you remembered the time you two had last night, hugging the sheets to you even tighter as you realised that you were naked underneath the duvet. 

Speaking of Mia, she was evidently not in the room with you as you woke up alone. You were slightly disappointed, but there was nothing you could do about it. You turn to your side to see an arrangement of items on the bedside table, including water, Advil, your neatly folded clothes, and a note. You crawled over and took the note in your hands, admiring Mia's penmanship on the piece of paper hotels provide you.

I apologise that I can't be there when you wake up. I had to go to work and didn't have the heart to wake you, especially when you looked so peaceful. Feel free to hire room service if you're hungry. Thank you for -t̶r̶e̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶n̶o̶r̶m̶a̶l̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶- last night, I had a really good time :)



You felt giddy at the fact that she had given you her number, your eyes scanning the piece of paper over and over. However, the logo, you noticed, was one of a five-star hotel that you would never have been able to afford, especially as a college student. 

You scan around the room and begin to see the more minor details such as a Cartier bracelet left on the bedside table you found the note on, and recall how Mia paid for not only her own tab at the bar but yours as well. You were stunned at the wealth Mia possessed but were pulled out of your thoughts when the shrill ringing of your phone reverberated from your bag haphazardly thrown on the floor. You snatch your shirt from the bedside table, shoving it over your head as you pray you can avoid tripping over your feet. You rummaged through your bag as you wanted to turn it off as soon as possible to control your pounding headache.

You pick it up, muttering a simple "hello?" without checking the contact information first.

"So I'm assuming last night went well," a husky voice teased. Ah, it was none other than your infamous roommate. Or rather, famous.

Ymir Landvik was a child actress who had appeared in many minor television roles before her breakout role in Attack on Titan. When you were in Attack on Titan, everyone knew who you were - your name, your face, your favourite colour - Ymir was no exception. Even the most isolated hermit knew about the most successful show conceived. Imagine your surprise when you first found out who your college roommate would be, much to the jealousy of your friends and family. Ymir was set for life; there was no denying it. Her salary from all her seasons on the illustrious show would allow her to live comfortably for the rest of her life. So it came as a surprise to everyone when Ymir Landvik enrolled in college, on a business degree no less. "To read over my contracts so I don't get fucked over, " she had told you once.

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