⁰⁰⁸ in betweenin'

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Right now, we're more than friends, but less than lovers
We just can't pretend we don't want each other. . .


Project: Founder Internship - Sunday, Week 2

"Do it now, Mikasa."

The entire conference room burst into cheers as the words escape the screenwriter's lips. You were currently sitting in the said conference room for the table read of episode six, the work day before filming for the episode would begin. The actors of the show were seated in a rectangular arrangement in the centre of the room while the production team were scattered on the outskirts of the room, chairs situated against the wall. The atmosphere was electric, and you felt prideful that you were able to contribute to such a once-in-a-lifetime project, no matter how small your part was.

Alice had assigned you to the production department for the day, who had entrusted you with the task of taking notes on anything you thought was of importance.

Opposite you, Mikasa was sitting on the perimeter of the rectangle where she would be facing you. Armin and Eren were seated on either side of her, the two men shaking her shoulders in excitement as the screenwriter narrated her legendary entrance into battle. A fond smile grew on your face as you observed Mikasa. Her hand was covering her mouth while she stared ahead with wide eyes and raised eyebrows in awe, hanging onto each and every narration that left the screenwriter's mouth. How she was acting was so cute right now, it was as if you could feel her excitement yourself.

The screenwriter finishes narrating the scene and asks for comments. All eyes land on Mikasa, who was still wide-eyed and processing what she had just heard her character accomplish. Silence suddenly overtook the room, people waiting in anticipation for the actresses' stamp of approval. Even you were feeling a little nervous. "I love it," you hear Mikasa admit after she calms herself down. The room then erupts into cheers and hums of agreement, and at the centre of it all was Mikasa Ackerman. It was her special moment but amidst the chaos, her eyes meet yours and now you feel like the most special girl in the world.

Project: Founder Internship - Tuesday, Week 3

You rasp your knuckles on the door of Mikasa's newly in-service trailer. There was a leak in her trailer that had turned into an even more complicated breakage, causing an extra week to be added to the time it's taking for it to get fixed.

A smile is bought to your lips as you heard the turning of a door handle, opening the door to reveal Mikasa, clad in her updated ODM gear. You had to admit, she did look rather handsome despite the fact fake dirt and blood were smeared across her face and neck.

"Hello, fancy seeing you here," you tease in greeting.

"Hey, yourself," she responds with a smile. "Wanna come in?"

You were only supposed to drop off Mikasa's updated production schedule. However, seeing as Mikasa was the last person's schedule you had to drop off, you supposed you had to time to spare. "Sure, why not?"

She steps aside allowing you space to enter before she closes the door. The walls of the interior were painted white, while fairy lights and various photos that were taken on a film camera hung on the walls. Below the window, you saw immediately as you walked in, a cream-coloured couch, a couple of throw pillows and a blanket arranged on either end of the seat. To your left was a compact counter space that managed to fit in a bar fridge, as well as a vanity that had lights embedded into the mirror, and on your right, was a mini TV and door you assumed led to the bathroom.

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