[⁰²⁷] stargazing

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Pull it out of park, put it in drive.
I can feel your heart beatin' with mine. . .


The golden embrace of Summer was beginning to fade as Los Angeles, a city known for its perpetual sunshine, felt a subtle shift in the air as Fall fast approached, thus signaling the beginning of a new semester. A double-edged sword, however, as this meant you had to bid farewell to your internship at the exclusive MAPPA Studios.

You were embraced by the MAPPA labyrinth for the past few months as creativity, and talent reverberated in the air, people from all walks of life collaborating to bring such an esteemed show to life. From the production assistants bustling about to the sound team waving their boom mics around to the visual artists meticulously crafting the captivating worlds of Paradis and Marley, the studio buzzed with passion and dedication. You felt incredibly privileged to be experiencing the magic firsthand and being presented with the opportunity to learn from the industry's finest.

Your knowledge and skills grew noticeably as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months. You learned the art of capturing the perfect shot, the technicalities of lighting, the importance of editing, and much more. No matter how seemingly small, each task contributed to the grandiose of the filmmaking process. Well- except for when you had to make coffee 24/7, that sucked.

On the cusp of transition, memories of past days flooded your mind. Feelings of warmth surface as you recall the day you received your acceptance into the program, the pure joy and nervous anticipation you felt causing a small smile to tug at your lips.

But more importantly, your very first day of the internship left a lasting mark on your heart. The memory stirred within you, igniting a rapid heartbeat and a rush of affection surging through your body. Why? Well, it was the very same day you had managed to connect the dots between the beautiful woman, Mia, you had met at a bar days prior, to Mikasa Ackerman, 'the Generation's Actress,' Hollywood's sweetheart, and more importantly, the girl who would eventually become your girlfriend.

It was fitting that your thoughts lingered on Mikasa, considering you were currently rasping your knuckles on the steel of her trailer. A pang of sadness awoken within you as you realized this would probably be the last time you'd ever step inside the small space.

As the trailer door swung open and Mikasa's familiar face appeared before you, a rush of conflicting emotions flooded your senses. Your heart lifted at the sight of her smile, yet a heavy sadness settled in as the realization dawned on you that you wouldn't be able to see her as often.

Without hesitation, you stepped inside and closed the door behind you, shutting out the outside world. Soon after, Mikasa wrapped her arms tightly around you, her warmth enveloping your body as you embraced. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to be lost in the moment, feeling Mikasa's face nuzzle into the crook of your neck, her perfume wafting into your nose as you took a deep breath, savoring the familiar aroma.

"Not that I'm complaining," you begin to say softly. "But what's this for?"

Mikasa chuckles as she lifts her head from your shoulder, directly meeting your gaze. "It's your last day. Just tryna' make the most of it."

You shook your head at her as a smile grew on your lips, regretfully pulling away from her embrace. You looked around the small trailer, taking in every detail. The feeling of nostalgia hits you like a ton of bricks, and you couldn't help but feel a lump form in your throat.

Mikasa must have noticed your change in demeanor, placing a hand around your waist and leading you toward the couch. "Hey, this isn't the end."

You nodded, grateful for her words, as you sank into the plush seating of her couch. "I know, I know," you say softly. "It's just hard to say bye to something that's been a part of my life for the last couple of months, you know?"

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