⁰²⁹ liability

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content warning; blackmail, implied/referenced abuse of power.


Dear Miss L/n,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I know you are involved with my client and niece, Mikasa Ackerman. How I know, I shall not disclose. As her manager, I must act on this information as affairs of this manner are an active breach of her contract and an enormous stain on her impeccable career, one I'm sure you would not want to disgrace.

I do not know the extent to which you are involved with her. Still, it is imperative that this relationship is terminated to preserve her image for an upcoming public relations stunt she is contracted to partake in and maintain her carefully constructed image to maximize her appeal to the public. Furthermore, my client has been less compliant and more distracted recently, and I suspect it has something to do with you. Simply put, I can not have you posing as an obstacle to her career.

I have a proposal to make for you. Cease this relationship at once, and in return, you and Miss Ackerman shall not be punished for this transgression. I'm unsure that you understand the grave threat this affair imposes on her career. If it were to be exposed, a great deal of chaos would unfold, and to be blunt, it would be your fault.

Furthermore, I will personally be providing you with $10 000 in compensation, just as long as you satisfy the conditions of my request and make the relationship with Mikasa redundant moving forward. As you can tell, this is a considerable amount of money, reflective of how serious I am about this termination. I cannot stress enough how much liability you impose on her career. If this amount does not please you, I am willing to make further negotiations.

I do not think you would like to know what would happen to both of you if you ignored such a simple request. I heavily implore you to not let it get to that point, not only for your sake but hers. I must remind you that your relationship is an active breach of her contract – a breach that can be let go of if this relationship is terminated. I implore you to make the right choice unless you want things to end badly for both of you. Must I remind you of the connections I possess in this industry? Alice tells me you're a talented individual. It would be a shame for all of that to go to waste.

I would also like to make this fact very clear: Under no circumstances are you allowed to inform Miss Ackerman of this letter. I cannot let such trivial manners distract her from her career, and it would be easier for all parties involved this way.

I'm looking forward to your cooperation,

Azumabito Kiyomi.



You were pacing your living room, your footsteps beginning to burn their impression onto the carpeted flooring as you walked a linear path from one end to another.

Up, down. Up, down.

The steady cadence of your pacing echoed throughout the modest space, bouncing off the walls and into your ears to repeat the monotonous cycle again and again.

Up, down. Up, down.

Your footsteps matched up with the ticking clock hung over your couch, creating a symphony of sound that enveloped you. It resounded heavily in your mind, pulsated in your veins, and imprinted into your senses. Each passing tick came a second closer to a confrontation you wanted to avoid at all costs. Mikasa would be here in ten minutes.

Up, down. Up, down, stop.

In the halting of your footsteps, the stillness that followed irked you as it gave you time with your haunting reality. The clock's ticking intensified in the room's silence, each second beating away almost mockingly. The sound pierced through the air, amplifying the unease within you. The symphony of sound that once enveloped you now felt like a nightmare, an unpleasing melody that reflected your inner turmoil.

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