⁰²⁴ illicit affairs

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Make sure nobody sees you leave
Hood over your head, keep your eyes down. . .


For such a prestigious position, you didn't expect most of your day to be made up with monotonous errands that someone with half a brain would be able to do.

Don't get yourself wrong, you were immensely grateful for the opportunity to work on such a celebrated and renowned show. But a majority of your time was spent on filing paperwork, answering phone calls, and fetching coffee for the higher-ups – all mundane office tasks that seemed to have little to do with your ultimate dream of becoming a director.

As you sat at your desk, staring at a computer screen surrounded by maps and location guides, you couldn't help but wonder if this was what you had signed up for. You wanted to do more hands-on work like shadowing the director or assisting with the actual filming but instead, you were stuck trying to finalize the best filming locations for an upcoming shoot. You knew that getting your foot in the door of the entertainment industry would be tough, but you never expected it to be this tedious. Nonetheless, you persevered, reminding yourself that every little task completed was one step closer to your dream.

As the sound of clicking keys and the occasional shuffling of papers filled the small room, you were so engrossed in your work that you didn't notice your phone buzzing with notifications. At first, you tried to ignore it, but as the buzzing persisted, you looked over and saw the screen lighting up with notifications from your Instagram direct messages.


With furrowed brows, you picked up your phone and almost had to do a double-take when you saw who they were from.

Instagram: You have (1) an unread message from erenjaeger

A slight frown began to form on your lips upon reading the message, concern beginning to grow. Why would Eren of all people be messaging you if it wasn't urgent?

'y/n are you busy right now? it's about mikasa' the first one read, causing your heart to race. It was about Mikasa? You quickly typed out a response, your fingers shaking with worry as you did so. Were you busy? Kind of, but Mikasa took priority over the frivolous task you currently had at hand.

'no, why? is she okay??'

After a few seconds of staring at the menacing three dots, Eren's reply appeared on your screen. 'kiyomi just gave her some news and she's not taking it well.' Immediately, your heart sank. After a whole week of Kiyomi being away, did she finally make her return, a return that Mikasa did not take well. In fact, this past week was the most carefree you had ever seen her, with her mood taking a noticeable decline as soon as she stepped foot on set this Monday.


'where is she?' you message, your mind racing with a thousand thoughts a second.

Eren had chosen just the right moment to leave you hanging. As you anxiously awaited his response, you began packing up your bearings; your laptop, the maps, and papers, just so you would be able to get to her faster.

As you hastily shoved your laptop into your bag, your phone buzzed once more with Eren's long-awaited message. 'in her trailer'

Your heart raced as you grabbed your bag and rushed out of the production office and towards the trailer park. The warm sun beat down on your skin as you hurried along the concrete path, your heart pounding with worry. You pushed your way past crew members and extras, muttering apologies as you went. Seriously, how many people worked here again?

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