⁰⁰³ 505

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I'm going back to 505
If it's a seven-hour flight or a forty-five-minute drive. . .


"...And whatever you do, do not piss off the director." You were seated in the passenger seat of Ymir's car as she drove you to your first day on set. She was giving an impassioned run down on what you should expect as an intern, and what to avoid doing to save yourself from ensuing career death.

"Got it," you respond with a nod. "Don't piss off the director, don't lose any of the scripts, and don't complain when you get asked to make coffee."

"Because?" Ymir adds, testing you.

"-Because they'll be asking me to make it a lot," you finish with a smile.

"See? You'll be fine!" Although Ymir was trying to do her best to distract you, it was becoming increasingly harder to control your nerves the closer you got. You groan into your hands, in an attempt to calm any of your remaining nerves. You hear Ymir sigh from her driver's seat prompting you to look at her. "You know, I've seen your work. You're extremely talented, okay? Just do what you've been doing and you'll be fine." The car comes to a stop at a red light. The car suddenly turns cold as there was a calculated shift in Ymir's demeanour. "And if anyone gives you shit," she begins, voice threatening. "Come tell me and I'll take care of it." Ymir alone was intimidating enough. But seeing her serious nature gave was enough to give you chills.

"Thank you, Ymir." You smile as you seat up in your chair, slightly more cautious than before.

"No worries." Ymir takes a right turn. "And then," she continues. "After the amazing day you're gonna have, you'll finally text Mia!"

Right. It's been one day since Mia gave you her number and still have yet to text her. It's not exactly that you didn't want to text her (because you absolutely did) it's because you had no time. You had spent your whole Sunday researching what to do on set, worrying about minute details, picking your outfit, and more. You had barely touched your phone the whole day, and therefore, weren't able to text Mia much to your (and Ymir's) dismay. You sigh. "Sure, if I have time."

"Come on, you gotta promise, ok?" Ymir says as she clicks her tongue.

"Fine, fine," you say as you put your hands up. "I promise."


You turn your attention in front of you before you can slowly make out the looming silhouette of the film studio you'll be slaving most of your Summer away in. Your eyes squint as the company's logo as it came into your view. The logo read:


You were seated in an uninspired meeting room filled with fifty different shades of beiges, and a singular plant that stood tall in the corner of the room as a sad attempt at decor. You sat in your chair as you felt your nerves build up inside of you, worrying whether you were even good enough for the job, or whether you would get fired on the first day. You were not alone however and were surrounded by two other interns with who you made polite conversation to distract yourself from your thoughts. You had gathered that their names were Anna and the other, Elliot. Elliot seemed nice. Anna, however... 

The swinging of an opening door suddenly echoed throughout the room followed by the clink of heels causing the three heads to whip towards the source of the sound. In walked a short blonde woman with obvious lightened highlights on her hair with brown eyes that reflected honey when caught in the light. She gave the three of you a pleasant smile with a stack of papers in hand, their sheer size catching your attention. She takes a seat at the head of the table and places her belongings down, clearing her throat. 

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