C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽

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The moon shone high in the starry sky above. Crickets chirped in the dense forest. The undergrowth whisked in the late-night wind. Night creatures stalked through the shadows casting glances around, alert for danger. Meanwhile, I scattered the forest with a small flashlight. I was scouting the forest for anything out of the ordinary as I usually did every day and night.

Ever since I fled from home ten years ago, I'd made home here in this isolated and quiet forest. Surprisingly I still had loads of my parent's money left to keep me surviving. They both had high-paying jobs. I didn't find all their money the day I left. I had gone back and searched the entire house for every dollar and coin. Meanwhile, I lived in a small abandoned cottage in the woods. I stored some cheap food and drinks there. It was dirty and not much but enough for me to survive with. I found the cottage a day after scouting the woods when I fled from home. Ever since the demon had killed my parents I had been to numerous libraries and purchased books on demon mythology and other supernatural books. I often would go out and kill monsters. I was a pretty skilled hunter in my opinion. Usually, if I had to go into town for something, I kept low and didn't talk to anyone unless necessary.

People always cast me weird looks but I ignored them and went on with my day. In my time alone, I have come across creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and shapeshifters. Luckily on one encounter which had taken place very late at night in the city, I was rescued by a woman who saved me from a vampire. I wasn't armed that night. I hadn't thought about bringing any weapons with me. The woman told me she was something called a "hunter". I had stayed with her for a couple of weeks and she had taught me things about the supernatural and given me the materials I needed to kill the pesky creatures but not without offering me to live with her for she was a lone hunter. She had so desperately tried to convince me to stay with her or someone because I was only sixteen as of now and couldn't completely take care of myself. But I declined her request, never forgetting the words the demon had told me... The one who killed my parents. "Know that darkness lies within the shadows of this world and you are only prey to this world.. Prey to me.."

Those words still sent shivers down my spine.
But the good that came out of the experience with the hunter is she is the one who taught me everything I needed to know about hunting or most of it anyway. Before knowing what a hunter was I called myself a "monster killer". Stupid name, I know. And I'd mainly come across vampires for some reason so I already knew how to kill them before the woman taught me what I needed to know. In my short time with her, I learned quite a lot. I don't know how I managed to survive so long without the knowledge she'd given me. Even before I met her, I'd trained myself for years and done my research...

After scouting the forest and not seeing any threats, I made my way back to my cottage and cooked up a can of beans, therefore I didn't actually know how to cook and I sat at my small dining table and ate them silently. I then made my way to my uncomfortable bed and had fallen asleep only to be sucked down into a swath of nightmares.

I floated in an empty void, the one I'm so familiar with by now. Darkness stretched on forever in every direction.
"Hello?" I called listening to my eerie echo.
"Oh, Venus." a familiar voice called. I whipped around to see my parents, their eyes all black, not demon black but just having no sockets. They looked like skinned corpses, their mouths open in a crooked manner, their bodies stained with blood. This had been a recurring dream. Fear pulsed through my body as I saw them float closer to me.
"Get away!" I yelled. They only floated closer and closer until they circled me, flying around and whispering things into my ears.
"Oh Venus, why?"
"Why didn't you save us?"
"Why couldn't you have come home sooner?"
"Why did you have to be so useless?"
"Why are you alive? You don't deserve to live."
"They are coming for you. They are coming for you."
"Look out or we'll swallow you whole."
None of their words made sense but their voices got louder and louder until I had to cover my ears.
"Stop!" I screamed.
"Why Venus, why?" they asked desperately, their voices becoming distorted, almost robotic sounding.
"Stop!" I screamed again. But it was no use. My hands did little protection for blood poured down my ears and my eyes bulged, my head aching and my whole body growing numb until that usual loud ringing sound screeched in my ears like an explosion went off. My body seemed to melt and the fury of pain scorched through me until I was no more than melted liquid, steaming like acid.

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