C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 6͓̽

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I made my way out of the bunker after gathering everything I needed for a demon summoning spell. I set down everything around the side of the bunker and did the all to familar routine I did last time I summoned the pest I was about to call upon.
I spoke the difficult spell and waited until Orthon appeared. He smirked as he saw me.
"Hello dear."
"Was the dream real?" I asked quickly.
"If it wasn't, why else would I be here?"
I rolled my eyes.
"You wanted to talk. So talk." I growled.
"Very well. But first let me out of this.. Trap."
"Hell no!" I snapped. "You're staying in that damn Baphomet!"
"Fine." Orthon grumbled in annoyance.
He cleared his throat then focused his glaring gaze on me.

"I thought it was time for you to know. I asked you to speak to me here because of your disbelief of me in your dream but also so telling you what I needed to say in reality might be more believable if you believe what I have to say at all."
I was growing irritated. "Get to the point!"
"Venus.. You were never normal. You were never the human girl you thought you were. In fact you're not human at all."
It took me a moment to take in his words before I let out a hysterical laugh. "Right." I chuckled.

"You think you're powers are normal? If you think that's normal then you're just plain stupid. I'm surprised those Winchesters didn't kill you yet. I bet they tried though."
I snorted. "Why are my powers any of your business?"
Orthon edged himself closer to me standing at the edge of the Baphomet.
"Venus... Your mother and father were killed because..." he stopped for a moment as if preparing himself for a hard speech.
"Because of what? Why were my parents killed?!" I demanded.
"Because they were never your parents." Orthon mumured quietly.
"What?" I questioned dumbfounded.
Orthon sighed. "You were given up when you were born. Your powers were too much to bare and you were a nuisance. It was thought that a short human life would be necessary before the truth."
"What truth?"
Orthon once again hesitated.
"Speak!" I snarled.
"Venus... I.... I... Am your... Father..."
His words came out as a croak, almost as if he was hurt to speak the words aloud.

At this moment, I felt intense emotions... Hurt, anger, fear, shock.. I wasn't going to believe this. Surely this demon was bluffing. I mean demons were all liars right?
"Venus." Orthon whispered.
I clenched my fist. He is lying. But then why was his gaze so serious, his tone so emotional. This had to be an act.
"Venus." Orthon whispered again.
I felt energy pulse through my body. Intense rage filled me from head to toe. I took a dangerous step towards him.
"You're lying."
Orthon shook his head. "No Venus. I may be a demon but why would I lie about you being my daughter?"
"Because you pesky demons like to manipulate and hurt us humans just because you can! You aren't my father!"

I lunged at him knocking him out of the Baphomet without thinking. I felt my eyes ache and felt like they were glowering red. I beat Orthon mercilessly and then grabbed a blade I'd brought out, not a demon blade but a regular blade because I wasn't sure if I planned to kill him today. I wanted him to suffer slowly. I stabbed him repeatedly watching blood splutter from the gashes I was forming. His eyes grew wide from the pain and he howled in pain. I relished the feeling of stabbing him as the blood soaked my hands.

"Venus, stop... Please! I'm you're father!" he pleaded. I ignored him and continued while he didn't even try to fight back. Why not fight me when that's all he ever tried to do.
"You're no father of mine!" I screeched as I slashed his cheek and grinned as I watched him twitch from the pain.
"Fight me coward!" I taunted.
But he remained still letting me feed him pain.
I was relishing this moment. It was then I felt myself being knocked off him. I tussled on the earth beneath me, feeling hard road scrape my skin. Blindly, I tried to knock my attacker off but was held down by a firm grasp. I looked up to see Castiel with glowering blue eyes.
"Enough." he ordered.
How did he know I was here?
As I was pinned down, I heard the familar engine of the Impala and the car skidded to a halt then Sam and Dean jumped out. How did they get back so quickly?

They drew their guns out of their pockets and pointed them at me. My eyes widened and to my surprise, when I glanced over at Orthon, he had slowly risen to his feet and was limping his way over to us.
Sam, Dean, and Castiel swung their heads around and pointed their guns at him. Orthon put his hands up in surrender.
"I'm sorry." Orthon panted. "None of this was intentional. I knew my news to her would be upsetting and enraging but I didn't expect that savagery."
"What news?" Dean demanded.
"I'm...her father.." Orthon murmured.
"You're her what?" the words came out as a shock.

"She's not a demon." Orthon said quickly. "Though I've treated her badly, I only wanted to test her. Now I see what she is capable of. When she was born, I gave her to a human couple, pretending myself to be human. I couldn't take care of her. I was ashamed of her because a human gave birth to her. And Hell doesn't approve of a demon impregnating a human. So it was either give her up or I die. It was selfish but I knew one day I'd be able to see her again. She has more human traits than a demon. But there are things that'll trigger her demotic powers. She's quick to emotion but she can be tamed-"
"What am I, a dog?" I interrupted while still being held down by Castiel.
"She never knew what she was until now." Orthon continued. "Me myself, can't and won't tame her for I am quite fond of her powers and refuse to deal with her. But if you want to help her become more human like, that is up to you. I can't be her father. Hell forbids her. And for the thing I said about Hell has work for her. They want her dead. But I don't. Just please don't kill her. She can do good in this world whether you believe it or not."

"And why should we believe you?" Sam questioned.
"Believe me, don't believe me. I just wanted to come visit her and tell her the truth. I see I've caused nothing but trouble here. I'll leave her to you. I refuse to bother her anymore. She clearly despises me."
"You bet to hell I do!" I hissed from beneath Castiel's grasp.
"Fine. Whatever. Just to protect my own self, I rather stay away from you Venus. As much of a disappointment to me as you are, I don't want you dead." Orthon sighed then focused his gaze on the Winchesters.
"You want Hell off her tail as well as yours, make her become better, shelter her. She can be taught to have more human qualities."
"I hate you, Orthon." I told him with pure hatred.
Orthon glared at me. "Hate me then. I thought meeting you would be different. I thought we'd bond eventually but I guess not."
"Bond with you?" I echoed in outrage. "You killed my parents!"
"Your adoptive parents. He corrected.
We all exchanged intense glances then Orthon dipped his head.
"Farewell Venus.. I'm sorry it had to be this way."
With that he was gone in an instant. The only sign of him being here was the blood splatters that stained the earth.

The Winchesters turned back to me. Under their distrust and rage, I saw slight fear in their eyes. But I was more focused on my thoughts. I felt sorrow well up inside me and a single tear dropped from my eye.
"I'm sorry."
"Save it." Dean growled.
Castiel lifted me off the ground and I was face to face with these three powerful men who at any moment might strike me with a death blow. I looked down at me feet.
"Why... Why must I be like this? Why do I have a demon as a father? I hate it.. So much. I just want to be normal. My rage and sorrow will destroy me." I sniffed. My head hung low in shame. It was then I finally looked up at the sky.
"Forgive me." I begged.
My tears clouded my vision and my chest ached with emotion. Before I knew it, I was getting dizzy and the world spun before everything went dark.

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