C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 7͓̽

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16 years ago
Rain poured outside a small house located deep on a mountainside. Thunder rumbled in the distance. A figure gazed out the window, eyes narrowed, deep in thought.
"Orthon." A female whispered from the bed a few feet away. A younger woman with long brown hair who held a baby in her arms gazed hopefully at him. Orthon paid no attention.
"Orthon, come see your daughter."
Orthon swung his head around.
"Get her away from me!"
The female flinched. "Why? She's your daughter."
"Ivy." Orthon rasped. "I can't love her. She was a mistake. I never meant for this to happen."
Hurt shone in Ivy's eyes.
"How could you say such a thing?"
"You think I want her? That stupid excuse for a being!"
Ivy set the baby down on the bed and made her way up to Orthon.
"She's our child. How can you not appreciate this gift God has given us?"
Orthon snorted. "This is no gift from God. Trust me."
"Are you really that selfish? How could you disown her?" Ivy's voice trembled with emotion.
Orthon just glared at her.
"Come on dear. We'll take care of her together you and me." Ivy gently glided her hand along Orthon's face. But it wasn't long before he grabbed her wrist forcefully.
"You know nothing about me. You wouldn't understand. You're only human but I'm afraid she's not. I've broken a code, a law. She must die."
"What?" Ivy gasped in astonishment.
"You wouldn't understand."
"Then tell me."
"Ivy... I'm a demon alright? I work for Hell and if they figure out she was born, I'll die! She is a Cambion!"
"Wait what? I don't understand."
"I don't expect you to." Orthon growled.
"You're no demon. But we all have our demons. It can feel like you work for Hell. There is darkness in all of us. But don't blame it on the child."
"No!" Orthon yelled angrily before pushing Ivy down on the floor.
Ivy's eyes shone with fear.
"Babe, what are you doing?"
Orthon pinned her down. "Don't call me that. I never should of met you. I never should of impregnated you. I just fucked my whole life up. I'm a demon see!" Orthon flashed his black eyes at her as she yelped in surprise.
"Demons can't impregnate humans! She will destroy the world! This is all my fault." he continued shaking his head in shame. "Ivy.. You can't have her."
"But she is my daughter. You can't take her from me!" Ivy spat.
"I can and I will. Ivy... I'm sorry. I did like you.. I still do. But a demon can't have these feelings. Especially one as broken at me."
"Honey.. Orthon." Ivy began softly. "We can fix this. I can help you. We can be happy together and face whatever dangers lie ahead."
"No." Orthon whispered, his voice croaking.
"But why?"
"Because I can't!" Orthon had to hide his emotions. He had to be strong. A demon can't be weak. Especially to a pesky human.
"Ivy.. I'm sorry."
"Goodbye Ivy." Orthon unsheathed a gun. "I'm too broken for this. You have no idea who I am. I'm Hell's most broken soldier."
"Please don't do this.." Ivy pleaded, her eyes damp with pain.
Closing his eyes, Orthon fired the gun and let the shot ring in his ears. He opened his eyes slowly to see her limp body, bleeding from a bullet hole in the head. The baby begun to cry and Orthon glared at it. Ignoring the pain in his heart, he got up and grabbed the baby.
"She can't have you and neither can I."
He ran out with the baby in the rain. He ran along a spiraling trail.
Orthon ran and ran until he found a park. There wasn't anyone here due to the weather. He pushed the baby under a bench and watched as it writhed and wailed.
I can't be your father. I'm sorry. One day I'll find you again and maybe we can reconnect. But not now. You were a mistake. One day when I find you again.. I'll just tell you I gave you to a couple. Better than telling you I left you under a bench in the rain. Hopefully you don't destroy the world before then. I should be safe now from Hell's wrath. Let's hope they don't know your mine.
Orthon walked away from the bench, his black eyes blazing. He ignored the baby's wails as they became more and more distant. He didn't let it pain him. The girl meant nothing to him. She never will. She was a burden to him and all of creation. She would either die in the rain or get the warmth of humans. Not him. He had other ambitions. Deep down inside him, far down within the depths of his demonic self, there may of been a part of him that loved her. But all that was buried beneath pain and torment. It would remain that way for years to come...

Current Day

Blurry lights clouded my vision as my eyes slowly began to open. My head was throbbing and I was confused. I glanced around to see myself in my room. I remembered everything that had happened but I was surprised to wake up in my room and not tied down in a chair once again. I didn't bother to move my body as my body was numb with pain and exhaustion. I took the time to let the confrontation become once more fresh in my mind. What haunted me now was the truth. The truth that had been given to me by my apparent father. It was all too much for me to digest into my corrupt mind. But I had to accept that I couldn't change who my parents were. I wondered now if my real mother was still alive. If she was, would she be worth finding? No, of course not. I didn't let the thought consume me. She was probably dead. If Orthon didn't kill her, my birth most likely did.

I finally managed to rise to my feet. I made my way to the library in the bunker where Sam and Dean sat. They both turned as they heard my footsteps.
I blinked slowly, ashamed and embarrassed.
"H-hi." I stammered.
Sam nodded. "Hey." he replied, sounding polite. "How are you feeling?"
I shifted uncomfortably. This was awkward. "I'm okay."
Silence rang out for a heartbeat before Dean spoke.

"Sit down." He invited, nodding to a chair at the edge of the table.
Reluctantly, I obeyed.
I didn't want to look them in the eye so I just stared off into the distance.
Dean cleared his throat.
"Venus." he began.
I slowly turned my gaze towards him now.
"About what happened-"
"I know Dean. I know. I went full psycho again. I'm sorry." I interrupted.
Sam signed. "Usually with cases like these, we'd kill you Venus."
I felt alarm begin to set in.
"But I'm not sure. In some cases we like to see if something like this is curable or worth fixing. which in your case, we aren't sure. You are a Cambion. Your father is a demon. You've shown great power and you could be great danger. But have you ever killed anyone?" Sam continued, his voice soft and calm.
I shook my head. "I've never killed a human. Only monsters."
"Have you ever or do you have a desire to do such thing, kill a human?" Dean asked.
I hesitated.
"Just be honest." Sam encouraged.
"No, I've never had such desire because I've not really spent much of my life around people. But so far around you guys, I don't feel the need to harm you. Being this way is not like a possession. Though I have some ambitions desires, good and bad, I'd never kill a human."
"Do you know that for a fact?" Dean questioned.

"I mean... No. But I don't see what killing someone would achieve other than guilt. Killing monsters and demons is different. They aren't human." I pointed out tartly.
Sam sighed. "We understand that. But how can we as well as you know for sure what you truly are capable of. We saw your power. I'll say it makes us worry for you and makes us wary. Can we even trust you?"
"Of couese!" I exclaimed in outrage. "I mean why wouldn't you?"
Dean got to his feet. "Well I don't know. You seem to be different when your in your devil stage."
"Devil stage?" I grunted, irritated that he'd call it that.
Dean paced around before making his way behind my chair and looming over from behind me. I stood as still as stone, not glancing behind me.

"You may not see it. But we do. The glint of fury that flashes from your eyes in your revolting stage is sure to raise some questions in our mind. Do you even know what you're capable of?"
I held back a sharp retort and replied calmly but with a hint of warning in my tone. "Do you trust me or not? If not, kill me. I don't have much to live for. Maybe I'm dangerous maybe I'm not. Maybe I'll kill you in your sleep, maybe I won't. But can you fix me is the real question?"
Dean's voice grew to a soft promising whisper in my ear.
"Why are you getting so serious? I'm only asking you questions. If you are capable of killing me in my sleep, how safe do you think that makes me feel or Sam?"
I felt my fists clench.
"Maybe we can fix you. We will see. I can see what Cass can do. But until then can I trust you to walk around the bunker free or do I have to restrain you?"
"I can get out of the restraints."
"Maybe I'll have to think of more painful methods. But I'd hate to. Can I trust you kid? Yes or no?"

His voice was barley more than a whisper in my ear but it was sending silent rage through my body. He was testing me to see how easily I could break at this moment. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
"That's enough Dean." Sam apprised.
Dean took a few paces back before retreating back to his seat. I glared at him. He was not intimidated by my malicious gaze.
I couldn't hold back a sharp retort any longer.
"If you think I'm such a monster, kill me!"
"No Venus." Sam soothed. "Ignore Dean. He was just trying to rouse you up."
"Obviously." I muttered.
I was hoping to wake up to something more than this but I was wrong. I shook my head in disbelief. Sooner or later I'd have to accept that I'm a monster. A monster to those around me, a monster to the world, and a monster to myself.

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