C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 9͓̽

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Me, Sam, Dean and Castiel sat at the table in the library at the bunker. Sam was scrolling through things on his computer, examining something closely whilst Dean scrolled through his phone, his legs propped up on the table while Cass flipped the pages of a book on monsters. I sat here and drew freely on a blank sheet of paper. I lightly shaded and sketched a picture of a dense forest, like the one I use to live in. I never got over its beauty. I lightly drew a small outline of a cottage in the background. I shaded light lines along the bark of the trees to give them detail. I dotted the dirt and grass's texture and drew a leaf spiraling down from a tree. I always drew light lines streaming down from the trees, out of view from the drawing to show rays of sunshine glistening down onto the forest floor below.
"Wow. That looks good." Dean complimented. I jumped, unexpected to hear his voice. I'd been so focused on my drawing, I'd forgotten they were there.

Sam craned his head to see and Castiel leaned forward.
"That looks stunning." Castiel commendated.
I shifted uncomfortably. "I guess."
"It looks good. Do you draw often?" Sam asked me, intrigued at my work.
"Well, I used to draw a lot at my cottage. Especially on rainy days. I'd buy cheap paper from the store and draw landscapes and animals."
"Well it looks great. I wish I had that talent." Dean commented.
"Perhaps we could hang it up somewhere." Castiel suggested.
"No! It doesn't look that good. It's not worth putting up." I rejected quickly. Sam blinked at me. "Sure it does. Finish it and we'll hang it up."
"I don't know-". I began as I scratched my head in embarrassment.
"Yeah, finish it. It would be a great asset to see while in the kitchen." Castiel advised.
I cocked my head. "Kitchen?"
"Yeah on the fridge."
I thought for a moment. "I.. I don't know."
Dean nudged my arm softly. "Just finish it."
I opened my mouth to protest but cut myself off before focusing my attention back on my drawing. I finished shading it and giving it detail, adding extra features and lightning. All of this was with the led of a pencil. Once I felt satisfied I handed it to Cass. "How is that?"
He examined it. "Looks great. I'll hang it up now."
"Are you sure?" I didn't think my art was good and having it on display felt weird.
Castiel nodded. "Yes." he reassured before making his way to the kitchen. I frowned.

"Hey Dean." Sam's voice distracted me from my thoughts.
"I think I found us a case."
Dean furrowed his brows. "Again? What is it?"
"Umm, a vampire case by the looks of it."
"Fun. How far away?"
"Boulder, Colorado." Sam answered.
"Let me see."
Sam passed Dean the computer. I saw Dean's eyes scan the computer as if he were reading.
"Lovely. I'll guess we'll take care of it."
"There is a case?" Castiel chimed as he walked in from the kitchen.
"Yeah, in Boulder Colorado. Vamps." Sam replied.
"I want to go!" I blurted.
Dean answered quickly. "No."
"What? Why?"
"Because I'm the grown up and I make the decisions." Dean answered with a smirk.
I scoffed. "Grown up? I'm nearly grown up."
"Venus, this is a case not a vacation." Sam told me.
I shrugged. "So? I'm a Cambion. You do realize I can kill those bitches with the snap of my finger, correct?"
They didn't reply.
"Come on, please!" I begged.
Dean signed. "Fine. But you will do exactly what we say and don't do anything stupid." I puffed out my chest. "Okay."
"Do you need to pack anything?" Sam asked me as he shut his computer.
"How long will we be gone?"
"A couple of days at the least. We'll probably stop at a motel or something for tonight and take off early in the morning or sometime tonight. So I'd pack a set of clothes or something or a book to read on the way. We've got quite a few hours on the road." Dean stated. I nodded in response. "Okay I'll do that now."
"We'll leave in about an hour." Dean continued, raising his voice a little so he could be heard as I made my way to my room.
Dean then turned to Castiel. "You coming with us?"
Castiel shook his head. "No. I'm probably going to go see what's going on in heaven. I'll catch up with you later."
"Okay, see you later Cass." Sam and Dean said their farewells to their friend before he flapped and vanished in a heartbeat.

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