C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽0͓̽

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We all were taken back by the figures that stood before us. There were several of them. Sam and Dean gripped there machetes but the one who stood in front of all the other figures held out her hand. "Relax Winchesters. We aren't vampires. We are something else entirely." Her eyes suddenly flashed a glowing blue with a hint of a white gleam. Angels.
"What the hell do you want?" Dean demanded.
"Is Castiel here?" The lead speaker asked, looking from left to right.
"No. Why?"
Her face lightened up with triumph. "Good. He isn't here to stop us."
This time I took a step forward. "Stop you from what?"
All the angels turned their gazes toward me. "You're an abomination.... Cambion."
I felt my heart begin to races. I looked at Sam and Dean with a silent plead. Though I could blast these angels away, I wanted them to defend me. To my relief, they did. Dean stepped in front of me, shielding me. "You can't have her."
"Do we have to fight you for her? Why do you care so much about her. Don't you kill demons?"
Dean glared at them. "She's part human."
"She must be destroyed. She is a threat. I'm surprised Hell hasn't gotten her yet." the angel continued.
We were all silent. The angel widened her eyes in surprise. "They don't know do they? Well the father or mother has done a good job keeping you hidden or safe."
I stepped in front of Dean, nudging him aside.
"I'll kill you if don't don't leave us. You underestimate my power." I held up my fingers in a snapping position. "All I have to do is snap and you'll be nothing but ash."
"Do it then, Cambion. We aren't the only angels looking for you. You'll be caught either way."
I smirked. "Is that a fact?"
"That it is."
I was about to snap my fingers before the sound of fluttering wings took me by surprise.
"No Venus!"
I let my gaze slide behind the angels. Castiel had appeared, his eyes pleading. All the angels turned at once.

"Castiel." the lead female greeted with a dip of her head.
"What's going on?" he stepped forward and made his way over to me and the Winchesters and faced the angels.
"The Cambion... Castiel we have to kill her."
Castiel cocked his head to one side. "Why?"
"Why?" the angel echoed. "Castiel, she is a threat."
"I'm afraid this is a misunderstanding. She is no threat."
"Really?" the angel scoffed. "The old Castiel would have killed her with no problem."
Castiel narrowed his eyes. "Well he's gone. I'm different now. I think first, not attack, kill, think later."
"Aniela, no."
Aniela rolled her eyes. "Fine, we'll do it ourselves then. Sorry to see you're so pathetic."
Aniela lunged towards me with a blade. I tensed, ready to strike but Castiel thrust himself foward and stabbed her from behind causing her to let out a scream of pain, bright light streaming out of her eyes and mouth before Castiel took the blade out and she fell lifeless on the earth.
The rest angels all braced themselves now and launched themselves forward to attack but I lifted my hand and snapped and all the angels halted, light streaming our of them like the last angel before they fell to the earth, lifeless and limp.
Castiel glanced at me wide eyed. "What did you do?"
"Killed them. They were about to attack." I said in an obvious tone.
"I was going to try to talk to them. You didn't need to kill them all."
I shrugged. "Cass, talking doesn't always solve problems. It was too late anyways."
Castiel grunted. "Whatever."
Sam and Dean hadn't said anything but their eyes were focused on Cass in a questioning manner.
"What?" Castiel asked.
Dean shifted forward. "What the hell was that?"
Castiel sighed. "I didn't think Heaven knew about her but somehow word got around. Cambions are not exactly liked and not exactly common. It makes sense for Heaven to see them as a threat considering their power."
"How does word get around?" I asked, my gaze serious.
Castiel shrugged. "I'm unsure. Maybe your father?"
I thought for a moment. "Why would my father tell them? He wanted nothing more than to keep me secret."
"But didn't he also want you dead?" Castiel argued.
"I believe so but revealing me to the angels would expose his secret to not only them but it would make its way to demons too."
This time Sam spoke. "And it still can."
"They can't know!" I exclaimed. "All those demons will be after me! That's the next thing I need!" I scowled.
I tensed as uncomfortable silence rang around us.

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