C͓̽h͓̽a͓̽p͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ 1͓̽9͓̽

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I turned my head around slowly and saw the figures of Sam and Dean. They looked worried but also angry.
"Dean." I whispered, my voice cracking with emotion.
He stepped forward and hauled me to my feet, forcing me to face him. "Where were you?! We've been waiting for you for over an hour!"
Over an hour? I could of sworn I was only with Aidan for a short time. Maybe we'd stayed out longer than we'd thought.

I didn't respond, the lump in my throat still tight and aching.
"Where were you?!" he repeated again, his voice more angry, raising to a yell.
I felt tears cloud my eyes. That's when Sam lurched forward and grabbed Dean by the shoulder.
"Dean stop."
Sam nodded at me. "She's upset. Can't you see?"
Dean scowled. "So? She's been gone for over an hour, probably more! Aren't you curious where she has been?"
Sam sighed. "Yes, but clearly we need to focus on her emotional state first. You can yell at her later. She looks awful. Let's bring her inside the room. We don't want to attract attention out here."
Dean only grunted but agreed.
Sam beckoned me forward and I walked by his side as he led me into the motel room.

I sat down on the bed and looked up at Dean's furious gaze. Sam's looked disappointed but concerned.
"Where the hell were you?" Dean demanded.
I looked away. He was angry. He had no right to be this angry.
Dean took a dangerous step forward. "I asked you a question."
I knew I couldn't avoid the question forever. He'd force the answer out of me if I didn't speak.
"I..." I began, clearing my throat preparing for the worst.
"You know that boy I told you about at the diner, the one you saw me with?"
Sam and Dean nodded.
"There was more to it than me bumping into him."
Dean narrowed his eyes. "I knew it."
Ignoring him, I continued.
"We um.. Exchanged numbers at the diner and I asked him if we could meet up tonight and go have some fun so I faked the headache and snuck off with him in his car and he..." I stopped, afraid to go on any more due to the glares I was being given. Sam's gaze was no longer soft and Dean's green eyes bore into mine.
"He what?" Dean questioned, voice colder than ice.
The lump was still nearly choking me and the fear I felt under these men's glowers made it no better.
I swallowed and took in a deep breath before continuing.
"He took me to a bar and I drank like eight shots of Bourbon. We went to the bar twice. We went once and I had one shot before he took me to a book store then we went to a few other stores including an antique store before we went back to the bar and I had seven more shots of Bourbon."
I showed them my book which was in a bag but they didn't seem interested. Dean's gaze had hardened so furiously that I could of sworn there was a patch of green fire in his eyes. Sam looked away and shook his head.
I could see Dean trying to control his anger as best as he could but he wasn't doing a good job.

"You went to a bar?" his voice was cold and disapproving.
I nodded. "Y-yes."
"And drank eight shots of Bourbon?"
My voice was merely more than a whisper. "Yes."
"And you went with a boy you just met and went off to go shopping with him and drink without our permission even though your underage to be drinking and lied to us just so you could sneak away to be with him?"
My voice was barley audible now. "Yes..."

All was silent for a moment. Eerily silent. My heart began to pound as Dean froze for a moment, still as stone.
It was then I felt hands topple me over on the bed, hard forceful hands. They had forcefully made a blow to my torso and my head hit the comforter.
"You stupid kid!" Dean snarled. "Why would you be so stupid? Why would you lie?!"
I sat up, still stunned by his blow and trembled. "I'm...I'm sorry." I whispered, voice croaking.
Sam had grabbed his brother and nudged him aside. I could hear Sam's harsh hushed voice as he snapped at Dean.
"What the hell dude? Why did you do that?"
Dean stepped back. "I didn't mean to, damn it. I'm just really pist off."
"That doesn't mean you push her!" Sam hissed.

I felt tears cloud my eyes but wiped them away. I wouldn't let them see my weakness.

"Look at me Dean." Sam ordered.
Dean's head was turned away and Sam forced it to turn towards him until they were staring into each other's eyes.
"Don't have this influence on her Dean. She doesn't need this. She's just a kid. Don't be like dad. Don't be that person who treats their kids like crap."
Dean flinched. "She isn't ours."
"You know what I mean." Sam snapped.
Dean seemed to tense up. "I'm not like dad, Sam."
"I know. But that kind of violence is uncalled for."
Dean snickered. "So we shouldn't punish the kid?"
"No Dean. What will that do? Nothing. Plus, what right do we have to even do that. It won't prove anything."
The two brothers continued arguing, their voices becoming more and more hushed.
I couldn't take it anymore with my emotions. My throat tightened up, wrapping me up like a snake's prey, I blurted out in a wail.

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